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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2880   View pdf image (33K)
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2880 ARTICLE 13.

pear before them at a certain time to be named in said notice, at which
time they may assess, add to, decrease or increase the assessment of the
owner so notified; and said commissioners shall have power and authority
to require the owner, possessor or claimant of any property' liable to assess-
ment to give them such full and accurate statement of his property as may
be necessary to enable said commissioners to ascertain the value thereof,
the same to be under the oath of such person; and if any person being the
owner, possessor or claimant of any property liable to assessment here-
under shall fail, neglect or refuse within the time limited by said notice
to render such statement, the said commissioners, upon their own knowl-
edge and upon such information as they may be able to obtain with refer-
ence thereto, shall value said property at the full cash value thereof, and
the same shall be considered as the assessment until altered by said com-
missioners sitting to hear appeals and correct errors; and the commission-
ers may levy a tax on the assessable property within the corporate limits
of said town not exceeding one hundred cents on the one hundred dollars'
worth of assessable property.

1916, ch. 680, sec. 16.

19. The said commissioners of Aberdeen are hereby authorized, in their
discretion, the assent of a majority of the legal voters of said town voting
at any election held as hereinafter provided, having been first had and
obtained, to borrow money upon the faith and credit of the town and to
issue bonds therefor not to exceed in amount ten thousand dollars, said
bonds to be exempt from county and municipal taxation.

1916, ch. 680, sec. 17.

20. Before the said commissioners of Aberdeen may issue any bonds
as herein provided the said commissioners shall pass an ordinance setting
forth the purpose for which such bonds are to be issued, the amount there-
of, their denomination, the rate of interest they are to bear, and the time
and manner in which they are to be paid.

1916, ch. 680, sec. 18.

21. Any such ordinances as that required by the preceding section
shall be submitted to the legal voters of said town for the purpose of ascer-
taining whether the majority of those voting shall give their assent there-
to ; and the said commissioners shall give notice of a special election to be
held for that purpose by publication in the Aberdeen Enterprise, or some
other paper published in said town, and if there is no newspaper published
in said town, then in some newspaper published in Harford County, for
at least twenty days before said election; shall appoint judges of said elec-
tion, and shall cause a copy of the ordinance to be posted at the polling
place and at other public places in said town.

1916, ch. 680, sec. 19.

22. Whenever any election is held as provided in the preceding section,
the" voice of said voters shall be taken by ballot, and those giving their


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2880   View pdf image (33K)
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