1916, ch. 680, sec. 14.
17. All ordinances passed in pursuance of the above sections, in addi-
tion to being recorded as hereinbefore provided, shall be printed and posted
in the most public places in said town; as soon as possible after the enact-
ment thereof.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 15.
18. That all property located within the corporate limits of said town
and all property owned by residents of said town or corporations having
their principal office therein, assessable for the purpose of State and Coun-
ty taxes, as now or hereafter shall be provided, and all franchises and ease-
ments held and evercised in said town or hereafter granted, shall be taxed
for corporate purposes; provided, however, that lands lying within the
corporate limits of said town, which in the judgment of said commissioners
are used only for agricultural purposes, shall not be taxed hereunder to a
depth greater than 125 feet from the side line of any of the streets and
alleys of said town to which said lands or any part thereof may be con-
tiguous. The commissioners may whenever they think the public interest
requires it, appoint three taxpayers, residents of said town and men of
good judgment, to assess said property. Each of said assessors, before
entering upon his duties as such, shall take and subscribe to an oath before
a Justice of the Peace or Notary Public residing in said town, a copy of
which oath shall be returned to the commissioners, that they will well and
truly, without partiality or prejudice, perform the duties of assessor, and
diligently value and assess at the full cash value thereof all property sub-
ject to taxation in said town. They shall value and assess the real estate
and the improvement thereon separately, describing such real estate so the
same may be identified, and list all other property. The commissioners
may by ordinance further provide for the manner of conducting said as-
sessment and for assessors obtaining information; and power and author-
ity is hereby given to each assessor appointed as aforesaid, and each of
said commissioners, to administer an oath to all such persons as they may
deem necessary and proper to examine for the purpose of obtaining in-
formation to make or complete said assessment. The said assessors within
thirty days of the date of their appointment, unless the time be extended
by the commissioners, shall return the assessment made by them to the
commissioners under their hand, and the commissioners shall cause at
least one week's notice of the return of the same to be given in one or more
newspapers published in said town, naming a time not to exceed ten days
in which they shall receive and hear objections. The return of the asses-
sors shall be open to the inspection of taxpayers, and any one feeling ag-
grieved at the action of the assessors in assessing his property may within
the time limited appear before said commissioners, who may upon hear-
ing, order or change any assessment appealed from, either by decreasing
or increasing the same. The commissioners at any time, of their own
motion or on petition of any taxpayer, when they shall deem the assess-
ment of any owner's property to be wrong, may cause such owner to ap-