2878 ARTICLE 13.
or discontinue, or to cause to be suppressed or discontinued, all nuisances
within the corporate limits of said town, they may pass all ordinances or
by-laws from time to time' necessary, and to insure the observation of such
ordinances in addition to an action of debt or such other civil remedies as
may exist in such cases by law for the recovering of the penalties there-
unto affixed, they may affix thereto such reasonable fines not exceeding
fifty dollars iu any case, as to them may appear right, and in default of
the payment of any fine imposed they may provide for the imprisonment
of the offender, not exceeding thirty days, or until the fine is paid.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 13.
16. Whenever said commissioners shall by ordinance direct that any
street, alley or sidewalk within the limits to be opened, widened, narrowed,
piked, parked, repaired, extended, stopped up or discontinued, in whole
or in part, they shall upon a certain day to be named in said ordinance,
and within three days, inclusive of the day of meeting, proceed to ascer-
tain what amount of value in damages will be caused thereby, and what
amount the contemplated improvement will cost, and they shall have power
to provide for the payment of the damages and costs aforesaid by levying
and assessing the same generally upon the whole of the assessable prop-
erty of said town, or specially upon the assessable value of the property
benefited thereby, or in their discretion, partly upon the property bene-
fited, and balance upon the whole of the assessable property of said town,
and the said commissioners shall have the power to ascertain and deter-
mine what amount of benefits will thereby accrue to any lot or parcel of
ground adjacent to said street, alley or sidewalk, or the owner thereof,
and which lot or parcel of ground or lot thereof the owner ought to pay,
and they shall on the day fixed by said ordinance and within three days
inclusive of said meeting, so ascertain and determine and their decision
in writing shall be filed with the clerk, and shall be by him recorded in a
book kept for that purpose, and any proprietor who shall feel himself
aggrieved by any such action of the commissioners, shall be entitled to
an appeal at any time within thirty days after the decision of the com-
missioners shall be filed, as aforesaid, to the Circuit Court for Harford
County, and such appeal shall be heard and determined as appeals from
Justices of the Peace are now heard, and all benefits so assessed against
any lot or parcel of ground or the owner or occupant thereof, shall be a
lien against said lot or parcel of ground, from the time said commissioners
shall finally order the work contemplated to be begun, and it shall be the
duty of the said commissioners to certifiy under the seal of the corporation,
to the bailiff the amount of benefits so assessed who shall forthwith enter
the same on his books against the property so assessed, and the said bailiff
of said town, shall collect such benefits as other town taxes are collected,
provided that no property shall be sold for the payment of benefits until
after the expiration of six months from the date of the passage of the
ordinance by said commissioners.