1916, ch. 680, sec. 9.
12. The commissioners and all other officers of the corporation shall,
before they enter upon the duties of their office, make oath before some
justice of the peace residing in said town, that they will diligently and
faithfully to the best of their skill and judgment perform the duties of
their office, and shall file a certificate thereof signed by the officer before
whom said oath was taken, among the records of the corporation.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 10.
13. The clerk and baliff shall give bond to the said commissioners in
such penalty, and with such securities as may be required conditioned for
the faithful performance of the duties of their office, of clerk and bailiff
respectively, and the said bond shall be recorded in the office of the clerk
of the Circuit Court for Harford County.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 11.
14. The commissioners shall allow their clerk and bailiff such compen-
sation for their services as may be deemed reasonable.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 12.
15. The commissioners shall have power to pass all ordinances neces-
sary for the good government of the town, may open, close and widen the
streets, sidewalks, lanes and alleys, prevent, remove and abate, or cause
to be removed and abated, all nuisances or obstructions in or upon the side-
walks, streets, highways, lanes or alleys, drains or water courses, or in or
upon any lot adjacent thereto, and to provide for imposing a fine upon
any person causing, creating or maintaining any such nuisance or obstruc-
tion, to remove or cause to be removed houses or other structures or objects
that may be dangerous to property, health or persons passing along or over
any of the highways of the town or residing in the neighborhood thereof,
to make and establish grades upon the streets and highways of the town,
to cause sidewalks along the public streets of said town to be graded, paved
or repaired, curb to be set and gutters to be laid, to cause the water courses,
drains or sewers to be paved, kept in repair and cleaned; to control and
protect the public grounds and property of the town; to establish and
regulate a station house or lock-up for confinement of violators of the
law and ordinances of the town, provided, that the county jail shall be
used for such purposes until said commissioners shall deem it advisable
to establish and regulate said station house or lock-up; to levy a tax and
impose at license on dogs or other animals running at large; to prevent
horses, cattle, sheep and swine from running at large in the streets of
said town, and to regulate and control all offensive trades, manufactures
and traffics in offensive fertilizer or other commodities, and to prohibit
hog pens and slaughter houses within the town limits, and for the purpose
of carrying out the foregoing powers, and for the preservation of the
peace, health and cleanliness and good order of the community, and for the
protection of the lives and property of the citizens, and to suppress, abate