889.37 feet, more or less, to intersect the outline of the land belonging
to Claude L. Rigdon, and thence, crossing said road, and bounding there-
on, south 30 degrees 08 minutes east, 22.37 feet to a concrete monument,
and still continuing the same course, and bounding on the Rigdon land,
south 30 degrees 08 minutes east, 1,242.43 feet to a concrete monument
set up on the southeast side of a small branch, and thence, leaving the
Ridgon land, and running up the southerly side of said branch, by the
following courses and distances, south 87 degrees 25 minutes west, 146.35
feet, north 87 degrees 29 minutes west, 64.50 feet, south 66 degrees 07
minutes west, 177.70 feet, south 70 degrees 40 minutes west, 150.11 feet,
south 64 degrees 34 minutes west, 49.66 feet, south 81 degrees 04 min-
utes west 82.76 feet, north 70 degrees 06 minutes west, 80.84 feet, north
66 degrees 33 minutes west, 103.12 feet, north 71 degrees 06 minutes
west, 56.32 feet, south 84 degrees 23 minutes west, 16 feet south 53.
degrees 23 minutes west 124.35 feet, and south 45 degrees 16 minutes,
west, 107.67 feet, more or less, to intersect the south 40 degrees 45 min-
utes west, 1,250 line of the original corporate limit of said town as afore-
said, and to a suitable marker to be here set up, and thence, crossing said
branch, reversing the said line, and running therewith, north 35 degrees
east, 451 feet to a stone at the beginning of said line, and at the end of
the first mentioned south 48 degrees 45 minutes east, 1,742 feet line, and
thence, reversing said line, and running therewith, north 54 degrees 03,
minutes west 640.07 feet, more or less, to the beginning hereof.
1920, ch. 479, sec. 2.
4. The provisions of all local laws applicable to the Town of Aberdeen,
and all existing ordinances of said town, are hereby extended and made
applicable to the territory hereby annexed, and also to the inhabitants
of said territory, and all roads, streets, avenues and alleys lying in the
territory hereby annexed shall be held to be validly constituted public
highways of the said Town of Aberdeen.
1920, ch. 479, sec. 3.
5. All persons resident and all property situate within the territory
which by this Act is annexed to the Town of Aberdeen shall be and become
subject to taxation for local town purposes, beginning with the town levy
to be made in the spring of 1920.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 3.
6. All male citizens residing within the corporate limits of said town
above the age of twenty-one years, and assessed on the tax books of said
town with one hundred dollars' worth of real or personal property, all
taxes due and in arrears on which have been paid, and who have resided
in said town for three months next previous to the election at which they
offer to vote, shall, on the first Saturday of May in the year 1904 and on
said Saturday every two years thereafter elect by ballot, five freeholders
of said town, each of whom has resided therein for six months next pre-
ceding such election, as Commissioners of Aberdeen, to serve for two