2874 ARTICLE 13.
more Railroad on the easterly side thereof, and opposite the northeast
corner of the late John James' farm, and in a line of said land extended,
and running and bounding on said line to the end thereof, and continu-
ing the same course (magnetically) with an averaged bearing north fifty-
nine and one-half degrees west, forty-two hundred feet to a stone (to be
set) in the line of the land purchased by the Aberdeen Land Company,
thence north forty-five degrees west, eleven hundred and forty-seven and
one- half feet to a stone, to be set, at the southwest corner of a lot of land
belonging to.................. thence parallel with a line drawn north
forty-five and three quarters degrees west, from a set stone in Bel Air
Avenue, near C. W. Baker's dwelling and at the junction of the road to
Paradise to a point intersecting the line binding the westerly side of
Mrs. Dr. Hay's land, extended or otherwise, thence binding on said Mrs.
Hay's line (magnetically) north fifteen and one-half degrees east, to inter-
sect the end of the line drawn north forty-five and three-quarters degrees
west, two thousand and sixty feet from the stone in Bel Air Avenue,
thence still north fifteen and one-half degrees, east four hundred and fifty
feet, thence parallel with the north, forty-five and three-quarters degrees
west, two thousand and sixty feet line south forty-five and three-quarters
degrees east, until it intersects the line drawn north twenty-seven degrees
east from the aforesaid set stone in Bel Air Avenue, thence binding there-
on north twenty-seven degrees east, to a set stone on the east side of the
public road at the northwest corner of C. W. Baker's farm, thence bind-
ing on the line of said C. W. Baker's land, north fifty-five degrees east,
two thousand four hundred and fifty feet to a set stone, thence about
south fifty-nine and one-half degrees east, to a point in the line of the
Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad on the easterly side
thereof, thence binding on the lines of said railroad in a southwesterly
direction six hundred and seventy-six feet to a stone (to be set), thence
south forty-eight and three-quarters degrees east (reverse north forty-
nine and one-quarter degrees west), seventeen hundred and forty-two feet
to a stone to be set, thence at right angles south forty and three-quarters
degrees west, twelve hundred and fifty feet, thence north forty-nine and
one-quarter degrees west fourteen hundred and eighty-six feet to the afore-
said railroad line, thence binding thereon (about) south twenty-seven and
one-half degrees west, twelve hundred and sixty-four feet to the beginning.
1920, ch. 479, sec. 1.
3. There is hereby added to the territory of the Town of Aberdeen all
the territory within the lines of the following description, that is to say:
Beginning for the same at the point where the south 48 degrees 45
minutes east, 1,742 feet line of the original corporate limit of the Town.
of Aberdeen, as fixed and prescribed by Chapter 136 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland passed at the January Session, 1892,
intersects the center line of the Post Road, and running thence, with the
center line of the said road, but with this and all other lines of this sur-
vey referred to the true meridian, north 49 degrees 29 minutes east,