ing from whom and for what purpose the same was made. The said.
Sheriff shall also include in said monthly report a full statement of all
lines and costs by him collected, and shall pay the same over promptly
co the county treasurer. Any violation of the requirements of this Act
or failure to comply herewith shall constitute a misdemeanor, and shall
be punished upon conviction by forfeiture of office or fine or imprison-
ment, or by all three, in the discretion of the Court.
1890, ch. 285. 1900, ch. 629. 1906, ch. 17, sec. 2. 1908, ch. 505, sec. 2 (p. 848).
495. The sheriff of Garrett county shall appoint a fit person as deputy
sheriff of said county, who shall also act as warden of the jail of said
county, and who shall perform the services of said jail as janitor and
warden, and shall have charge of said jail in keeping it heated and cleaned,
and of the care and custody of prisoners therein, and shall be responsible
for escapes of prisoners occurring in the same manner and to the same
extent as the sheriff of said county, and shall perform all duties required
of him by the Sheriff of said county.
1906, ch. 17, sec. 3. 1908, ch. 505, sec. 3 (p. 848).
496. The said deputy sheriff, before he enters upon the duties of his.
office, shall take the same oath before the clerk of the Circuit Court of
said county as now required by law to be taken by sheriffs, and shall give
such bond to the State of Maryland, with sureties to be approved in due
form, in the sum of three thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful
performance of his duties as such deputy sheriff, which bond shall, when
approved, be filed in the office of the clerk of the Circuit Court and dis-
posed of as the sheriff's bond is disposed of.
1906, ch. 17, sec. 4. 1908, ch. 505, sec. 4 (p. 848).
497. The first deputy sheriff appointed under this Act shall be ap-
pointed to serve until the first day of January, 1910, unless removed
sooner by cause, and appointments shall be made thereafter for the term
of two years, unless sooner removed by the sheriff for the incompetency,
disobedience or neglect of duty, or other causes which, in the judgment
of the said sheriff, may be sufficient for such removal; and in case of re-
moval as hereinbefore provided, the new appointee shall be appointed for
the unexpired term of the person removed, and the salary of said deputy
sheriff shall be not less than nine hundred dollars nor more than one thou-
sand dollars in each year, and shall be levied for and paid by the County
Commissioners of Garrett county in monthly instalments.
1908, ch. 505, sec. 4A (p. 849).
498. The County Commissioners of Garrett county shall allow the
sheriff of Garrett county the sum of three hundred dollars per year for a
cook to the jail, which sum shall be paid in monthly instalments to the