2854 ARTICLE 12.
law, and shall receive such compensation as the board of county school
commissioners shall direct, not to exceed the sum of eight hundred dollars
in any year.
1902, ch. 314.
492. The Board of County School Commissioners of Garrett county
are hereby required hereafter to pay the salaries of the teachers of public
schools in said county monthly; and the said teachers are hereby required
to make their reports to the said Board of School Commissioners of Gar-
rett county monthly, instead of quarterly; failure on part of said com-
missioners so to pay shall be punished by a fine of twenty-five dollars for
each case.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 215. 1884, ch. 272. 1888, ch. 6. 1906, ch. 2, sec. 215.
493. The Sheriff of Garrett county shall receive from said county a
salary of fifteen hundred dollars each year, payable quarterly, in lieu of
all fees, except fees in civil cases, payable by others than Garrett county
or the State of Maryland, now payable to him under the law, or compen-
sation of any kind from either Garrett county or the State of Maryland,
and shall be paid no other additional sum by either Garrett county or
the State of Maryland for any services whatsoever, whether performed by
the Sheriff or any of his deputies.
1890, ch. 291. 1906, ch. 2, sec. 215A. 1924, ch. 54.
494. The County Commissioners of Garrett County shall allow said
Sheriff each year, first, the actual railway transportation charges of the
Sheriff, his deputies, and the actual cost of railway tickets of the prison-
ers, necessary in the conveyance of said prisoners to the institution to
which they are committed; second, the sum of sixty cents per day for
keeping and boarding each prisoner committed to the county jail; third,
the actual sum expended by him for coal and other necessaries of said
jail, including a telephone, and said County Commissioners shall allow
or pay the Sheriff for no other or further expenses of the Sheriff or
any of his deputies upon any pretext, unless said unenumerated expendi-
tures shall have been previously and specifically ordered by the board in
session; provided, no allowance for expenditures shall be paid or cred-
ited to said Sheriff; the same shall be reported under oath by said Sheriff
to the said Board of Commissioners once in each month in writing, which
oath shall show that the expenditures above enumerated when made are
correct and have been honestly and lawfully incurred, and that the Sheriff
himself has not derived profit from the purchase thereof, or consumed
or appropriated to himself any part of such purchase; that each expendi-
ture or purchase was reasonable and necessary, and the price thereof was
not in excess of the market price therefor; which report and affidavit
shall be accompanied by properly itemized vouchers or certificates show-