2856 ARTICLE 12.
1929, ch. 390.
499. The County Commissioners of Garrett County are hereby au-
thorized and directed to levy-Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00)
annually for the expenses of the Sheriff of said County.
1914, ch. 570.
500. The sheriff of Garrett County is hereby authorized and directed
to require all persons of sufficient ability who shall be sentenced to im-
prisonment in the county jail of said Garrett County by the Circuit Court
of Garrett County or any Justice of the Peace of said county, as a pun-
ishment for any crime or misdemeanor, committed therein, to work upon
the public roads and highways of said county, or upon the public streets
of any incorporated town of said county, or to do some work in connec-
tion with the improvement thereof, as part of the prison discipline and
management, provided, nothing herein shall apply to persons convicted
and sentenced for crimes or misdemeanors committed prior to the passage
of this Act, or to prisoners sentenced to perform such work on said roads
or streets.
See secs. 121-128 of this Article.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 216. 1888, ch. 471. 1890, ch. 9, sec. 216. 1918, ch. 115,
sec. 216. 1922, ch. 92. 1924, ch. 330.
501. The State's Attorney for Garrett County shall receive an annual
salary of fifteen hundred dollars, which salary shall be paid to him by
the County Commissioners of said county, payable quarterly by warrant
on the County Treasurer, and it shall be unlawful for him to receive or
the said County Commissioners to pay him any other or further compen-
sation, salary, fee or recompense of any kind, except the necessary ex-
penses incident to said office, including stationery, postage and necessary
traveling expenses incurred in performing the several duties of said office.
It shall be the duty of the Sheriff of said county to collect and pay over
to said county any appearance or other fee taxed as part of the costs pay-
able to the State's Attorney in any criminal case.
P. L L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 217. 1888, ch. 471. 1890, ch. 9, sec. 217.
1918, ch. 115, sec. 217.
502. The State's Attorney for Garrett County, in the conduct of the
duties of his office and in any investigations which he may make from
time to time relative to violations of law, shall have the same power which
is now vested in Clerks of the Courts and Justices of the Peace of this
State to administer oaths and to examine witnesses under oath.
1902, ch. 439. 1906, ch. 792, sec. 1.
503. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corpora-
tion to pollute any stream or streams of water in Garrett county, by put-