2850 ARTICLE 12.
levy upon the taxpayers of that particular district, an extra amount to be
named in the petition and indicated upon the ballot, for the repair and
improvement of the roads or bridges in the district so petitioning and
voting. The Supervisors of Election shall have printed on the official
ballot of the district to which the proposition of an extra levy is to be sub-
mitted the words "For Proposition of Levy for Roads," and "Against
Proposition of Levy for Roads."
1908, ch. 391, sec. 206F (p. 846). 1910, ch. 1, sec. 206F (p. 868).
476. In case the vote, in accordance with preceding Section 475, shall
be "for proposition of levy for roads," then the Board of County Commis-
sioners shall make the extra levy for roads or bridges upon the total tax-
able basis of the district so voting, and shall place the funds, when col-
lected, in the hands of the County Treasurer to the credit of the road
supervisors of that district, to be worked out by them under direction of
the County Commissioners. But if the vote be "against proposition of
levy for roads," then the County Commissioners shall not levy an extra
amount for roads in that district.
1914, ch. 24, sec. 206A.
477. Any person or persons, firm or corporation, who shall put, place
or pile any lumber, logs, props, cross ties or any other obstruction upon
the limits of any highway in Garrett County over which the County Com-
missioners thereof have control or supervision, or who shall negligently
permit or allow any of said obstructions, or any wagon, cart, sled, traction
engine, automobile or any other vehicle to stand or remain on the limits
of any of said highways for more than twelve hours in any one place, and
without the written consent of the County Commissioners of said Garrett
County, or who shall drag or "snake" any log, props, cross ties, poles,
lumber or any commodity of any kind on or over any of said highways
(other than by being loaded on some vehicle) or who shall dig or other-
wise tear up or disturb any portion of any of said highways, except by
the authority and under the direction of the road supervisor or other
official having control of said particular highway and engaged in work-
ing and repairing the same, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon
conviction thereof before any Justice of the Peace of Said County, or by
presentment and indictment in the Circuit Court of said County, shall
be fined not less than Ten Dollars nor more than One Hundred Dollars
for each offense, together with the costs of prosecution; and upon failure
to pay said fine and costs, said offender shall be committed to Jail until
the same is paid or until released by due process of law; "provided, how-
ever, that none of the provisions of this Act shall apply to the renewal of
telegraph or telephone poles, by telegraph or telephone companies."
All fines imposed and collected under the provisions of this section
shall be immediately paid over to the County Commissioners of said Gar-
rett County, to be expended by them in the maintenance and repair of
the County Roads of said County.