1908, ch. 391, sec. 205 (p. 845).
470. District supervisors shall in April in each year, or earlier, if
possible, make a general inspection of a<ll the roads in their districts,
noting carefully the flow of water and the drainage that will be necessary;
they shall consult abutting property owners, and may, if they see fit, con-
tract for a sum less than ten dollars, with owners for doing certain speci-
fied work and repair to roads and culverts bounding upon their lands,
such work to be finished not later than May thirtieth; they shall pay for
all hire of men and of teams, and for material purchased, from the road
funds placed to their credit with the treasurer of Garrett county, or in
their hands, and shall take receipts for all money thus paid out; they shall
consult the road engineer upon all important repairs and shall follow
whenever possible the printed instructions which the engineer shall furnish
them in regard to the methods and manner of making roads.
1908, oh. 391, sec. 206 (p. 845). 1910, ch. 1, sec. 206 (p. 869).
471. The Board of County Commissioners shall annually levy upon
the taxable basis of the county such an amount as they may deem neces-
sary for the construction, maintenance and repairs of roads and bridges.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 206A (p. 845).
472. When the district supervisors shall have given the bond required!
of them by the County Commissioners, all funds shall be placed to their
credit, and subject to their order in the hands of the county treasurer.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 206C (p. 846).
473. Every resident of Garrett County who shall habitually use a
wagon wearing tires of three inches in width for all loads of one to two
thousand pounds, and tires of four inches in width for loads of over two
thousand pounds, shall receive a credit of five per cent, on his annual
road tax.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 206D (p. 846).
474. When a public road forms the dividing line between election dis-
tricts, the County Commissioners shall apportion and designate what part,
of said road shall be worked by the several supervisors.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 206E (p. 846).
475. Upon the petition of fifty voters, who are taxpayers of any elec-
tion district in Garrett county, addressed to the Board of County Com-
missioners, asking that an additional levy be made upon the total taxable
basis of the district so petitioning, for the repair and improvement of the
roads or bridges in that district, it shall be the duty of the County Com-
missioners to certify the fact in accordance with law, to the Supervisors
of Elections, who shall advertise the same as in the case of the submis-
sion of other questions, and shall at the next ensuing election provide for
the submission of the question to the voters of that particular district only,
whether or not the County Commissioners shall at their next annual levy,