1918, ch. 319, sec. 206A.
478. The County Commissioners of Garrett County shall have power
and authority to acquire as hereinafter provided in this act an additional
roadway, not exceeding twenty feet in width along and adjacent to the
public roads in said county where the said road or parts of roads have
become or are subject to annual obstructions from snow drifts and pre-
vents the passage and travel of the public. Whenever any citizen of said
Garrett County intends to petition the County Commissioners of said
county for the opening of any roads subject to obstructions as aforesaid,
and it is desirable and practicable that a detour adjacent to said road so
obstructed and to permit the free passage and travel of the public using
the same be made, he shall give at least thirty days' notice thereof in some
newspaper published in Garrett County. Counter petitions may be pre-
sented to the County Commissioners, and when they are, the County
Commissioners shall take into consideration the reasons contained in the
counter petition and such other testimony as may be given before them,
and determine the case as in their opinion shall seem proper. All appli-
cations for opening roads herein mentioned shall be by petition to the
County Commissioners.
1918, ch. 319, sec. 206B.
479. Whenever the County Commissioners shall decide that it is ex-
pedient that a road be opened as provided in the preceding section they
may contract with the owner or owners of the land through which said
road is intended to run for the right of way over the land necessary for
said road, if the said owners thereof be competent to contract, and the
said County Commissioners shall obtain a deed therefor, and the same
shall thenceforth be the property of the county, in the same manner, to
the same extent as other county roads and no further, subject to the public
right of way over the same. And whenever the County Commissioners
shall deem it expedient that examiners shall be appointed to view the
ground for the purpose of opening such roads they shall appoint three
persons as examiners who shall be freeholders of the county and not in-
terested in or holding lands through which the said road is proposed to be
opened, or they may proceed to condemn the land which may be necessary
for the purpose under the provisions of Sections 331 to 336, both in-
clusive, of Art, 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland.
1918, ch. 319, sec. 206C.
480. The said examiners before they proceed to act as such, shall take
an oath to execute the trust reposed in them under the Commission exe-
cuted by the said County Commissioners to them, faithfully and without
favor, affection or partiality, which said oath shall be endorsed on the
commission and returned therewith.
1918, ch. 319, sec. 206D.
481. The said examiners or a majority of them after giving thirty
days' notice shall in the same manner as prescribed by Sections 148, 149,