2848 ARTICLE 12.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 204 (p. 844). 1910, ch. 1, sec. 204 (p. 868).
468. All road supervisors appointed by the Commissioners shall qual-
ify by taking the oath of office and giving bond to the County Commis-
sioners as soon as may be after their appointment. They shall have charge
of the working and repair of all roads under their supervision and may
contract, build or repair any culvert or bridge that shall not exceed in coat
the sum of twenty dollars; they may hire and pay for out of funds in
their hands such men and teams as shall be necessary for the proper
working of their roads. Each of the supervisors shall do or cause to be
done all the regular repairs upon the roads and bridges under such con-
tract as shall be made between the County Commissioners and such super
visors on or before the first day of July following his appointment and
shall then render an itemized statement under oath to the Board of
County Commissioners setting forth the number of men and teams em-
ployed with the number of days for each and the amounts paid to each
(his own account being given separately), the total amount received by
him or placed to his credit, and the amount expended. Each of the super-
visors shall be required to set aside ten per cent, of all the moneys coming
into their hands for general repair; this money so set aside shall be used
only for the unforeseen and accidental repairs of roads or bridges and for
draining of roads, opening of breakers and culverts after the roads have
been worked in the spring season.
On or before January 1st, following the appointment of supervisors, a
final report shall be made to the Board of County Commissioners, and
balance on hand, if there be any, shall be refunded and the bond released,
1929, ch. 22.
469. Each supervisor of roads of Garrett County shall, in the case of
roads under his supervision, and where in his discretion necessity exists,
have authority to construct any system or systems of drain or drains to
drain water from the highways to neighboring lands. Existing drainage
systems or courses are to remain open until altered or closed by order of
the proper supervisor. No unauthorized person shall close or alter any
existing drainage system or course or close or alter any drainage system
or course authorized in the future; and any person convicted before any
Justice of the Peace of Garrett County for violating any of the provisions
of this section shall be fined not less than five dollars ($5) nor more than
twenty-five dollars ($25). In case of damage to property occurring after
June 1, 1929, by reason of the existence of any present or future author-
ized drainage system, the County Commissioners of Garrett County shall
appoint one appraiser, the landowner a second, and these two shall appoint
a third. These three appraisers shall appraise the damage to the prop-
erty in question and such appraisal shall be final. The County Commis-
sioners of Garrett County shall upon demand pay to the damaged person
the amount appraised as his damage.