shall come into Garrett County or who shall be brought or removed into
Garrett County for the purpose of charging Garrett County for the sup-
port of such persons to such State, county or town where such poor,
indigent or insane persons resides; and the County Commissioners may
recover from such person or persons, State, county or town such expenses
as are incurred by reason of the support and the return of such poor,
indigent or insane person.
1920, ch. 15. 1922, ch. 451, sec. 1.
465. The Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County and the
Board of Education of Garrett County, jointly or separately, are required
to publish during the month of November next succeeding the close of the
fiscal year of each board, annual statements of all receipts and expendi-
tures of the respective boards, the same to be sworn to by the presidents of
the said respective boards. The aforesaid publications shall be made in
the county newspaper which submits the lowest bid for publishing the
annual statements herein required; if the bids so received, from county
newspapers for such publication are too high according to the judgment
of the Board of County Commissioners or the County Board of Education,
either jointly or separately, then in lieu of such publication in a county
newspaper, the Board of County Commissioners of Garrett County and
the Board of Education of Garrett County, either jointly or separately,
may publish or set forth in pamphlet form the annual statements herein
required, the same to be given or sent to any citizen of the county upon
application therefor.
Violation of this Act on the part of any of the aforesaid officials shall
render them liable to a penalty of not less than fifty dollars and not more
than one hundred dollars.*
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 199. 1878, ch. 158.
466. So much of the United States road, commonly known as the
National turnpike, as passes through Garrett county, is transferred to and
placed under the custody, care and control of the county commissioners,
who are authorized and required to assume the custody and control thereof.
1908, ch. 391, sec. 203 (p. 844). 1910, ch. 1, sec. 203 (p. 868).
467. On January of each year the Board of County Commissioners
shall appoint one or more road supervisors for each of the election dis-
tricts of the county. They shall fix the per diem of supervisors, which
shall not be less than two dollars, and determine the amount of the bond
which shall be required. They shall also fix the rate per diem of hired
labor, teams with drivers, etc.
*Sec. 3, ch. 451, 1922, repealed all Acts Inconsistent therewith.