2846 ARTICLE 12.
1920, ch. 614, sec. 7.
458. The said Mayor and Town Council of Oakland are hereby author-
ized and empowered to pass all such ordinances as may be necessary for
the successful operation of said Electric Light Plant and for the mainte-
nance and protection of the said plant and its machinery, poles, lines and
property of every kind.
1920, ch. 614, sec. 8.
459. Nothing in this Act contained is intended or shall be taken or
construed as relieving the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland from any
and all of the provisions of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General Assem-
bly of Maryland of 1910, known as the Public Service Commission Law,
or any amendment thereto, to the extent that the same may apply to
municipal electric light, heat and power plants.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 196. 1884, ch. 314.
460. The judges of the Orphans' Court for Garrett County shall be
allowed a per diem, of three dollars and fifty cents, and mileage at the rate
of eight cents per mile each way for going to and returning from each
meeting; but such mileage shall be allowed but once during a session.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 197. 1878, ch. 108.
461. The register of wills in said county, at each meeting of the court,
shall make a memorandum on the minutes of the court of the number of
miles traveled by each judge.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 12, sec. 198. 1878, ch. 108.
462. The county commissioners shall annually levy a sufficient sum
to enable the treasurer to pay the per diem and mileage of judges of the
orphans' court upon the passage of their accounts.
1904, ch. 296, sec. 1.
463. It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to remove, bring
or entice any poor, indigent or insane person from any State, county or
town to Garrett County with intent to make said Garrett County charge-
able with the support of such poor, indigent or insane person, under pen-
alty of a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than five hun-
dred dollars, or to be imprisoned in the Maryland House of Correction
for a period of not less than two months nor more than two years, or both
fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.
1904, ch. 296, sec. 2.
464. The County Commissioners of Garrett County shall have the
power to return and remove such poor, indigent or insane persons who