pipe in connection with the said water works so built or constructed by
throwing any impure or deleterious substance or thing into the same, or by
swimming, bathing or washing themselves, or by washing clothes or any
other thing therein, or by committing any nuisance in or near the sources
of supply or the reservoir or standpipe for said water works, so as to pol-
lute the same shall, upon conviction of such offense, be liable to a fine of
not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than three hundred dollars for
each offense, to be recovered by the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland
before a justice of the peace, as other fines are recovered, or to imprison-
ment in the county jail or in the House of Correction for a term of not
less than six months nor more than eighteen months, or both fine and
imprisonment, in the discretion of the justice of the peace, one-half of
such fine to go to the informer, and the balance to the Mayor and Town
Council of Oakland for the purposes of this Act.
1908, ch. 677, sec. 4 (p. 840).
449. For the purpose of redeeming said bonds at their maturity and
for securing the prompt payment of the interest thereon, the Mayor and
Town Council of Oakland shall for the year of the issue of said bonds
and annually thereafter until the maturity of said bonds, levv a tax on
the assessable property of said town, not exceeding twenty-five (25) cents
on the one hundred dollars to pay the interest thereon, and the sum of one
thousand ($1,000.00) dollars for the principal of said debt for the pay-
ment of the same at maturity. The said sum of one thousand dollars shall
be held and invested by the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland as a
sinking fund for the redemption of said bonds at their maturity; and the
said Mayor and Town Council of Oakland shall from time to time
deposit the money belonging to said sinking fund and the increment
thereof in some safe depository which pays interest on deposits, or shall
invest the same in State or such other bonds satisfactory to the said Mayor
and Town Council of Oakland as to them may seem best, or in the pur-
chase or redemption of any of said bonds as may be offered for sale and
redemption, and upon the purchase of any such bonds by the said Mayor
and Town Council they shall be immediately cancelled by stamping across
their face (cancelled by the sinking fund), and no portion of said sinking
fund so levied shall ever be diverted to any other purpose than to the
purchase and liquidation of said bonds. The money collected each year
by the treasurer or tax collector on account of taxes to the extent of said
sum of one thousand dollars, shall be set apart for said sinking fund, and a
separate account shall be kept thereof and be deposited to the credit of said
fund, and no part of which shall be chargeable to insolvencies on account of
failure of assessments or collections.
1908, ch. 677, sec. 5 (p. 840).
450. The money arising from the sale of said bonds (which said bonds
shall be sold either at auction or by sealed bids, after due advertisement
thereof to the highest responsible bidder), shall be deposited in banks to the
credit of the said Mayor and Town Council of Oakland and subject to their