2842 ARTICLE 12.
consecutive numbers; provided, however, the Mayor and Town Council of
Oakland are hereby given the option to redeem any or all bonds outstand-
ing twenty-five (25) years from date of issue; that all of said bonds issued
as aforesaid shall be due and payable within sixty-one years from the
date of their issue, and shall be forever exempt from all county and mu-
nicipal taxation for any purpose, and shall have printed on them a
reference to the Act of Assembly authorizing the issue thereof.*
1908, ch. 677, sec. 2 (p. 838).
. 447. The Mayor and Town Council of Oakland are hereby authorized
and empowered to construct and erect water works and sewerage from
said town, and to contract for the purchase in fee simple or lease for a
term of years, renewable at their pleasure, any land, real estate, springs,
brooks, water courses, streams, and to use and occupy forever or for a
term of years any land, real estate, springs, brooks, water courses or
streams which they may deem expedient and necessary for the purposes
of furnishing said town with water and maintaining said sewerage, and
they are hereby invested with all the rights and powers necessary for the
induction of water into the said town, and the maintenance of said sewerage
system. If for any cause the said Mayor and Town Council of Oakland
shall be unable to agree with any owner of real or leasehold property,
springs, brooks, water streams or water courses, or any other material
which partakes of or is a necessary part of realty, or for any right of way
which they may find necessary for the conduct of said water said sewerage
in its entry into or in said town, or if such owner is under any disability
or incapacity to contract or absent out of the county or unknown, the said
Mayor and Town Council of Oakland is hereby clothed with the power
of condemnation under the right of eminent domain as provided in Section
203 of Article 23 of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland as
fully as if said section had been herein incorporated, and their manner of
procedure of condemnation for the purposes of this Act shall in all par-
ticulars be the same as if provided by said Section 203 of said Article 23.
The said Mayor and Town Council of Oakland shall have full power to
fix schedules of rates for furnishing water and sewerage to private resi-
dences and other buildings, and the said Mayor and Town Council shall
have power to collect the same as other taxes are collected and the income
thereof shall be applied, first, for expenses and maintenance and after-
wards for the payment of the interest on the bonds and a sinking fund
to meet the bond at maturity.
1908, ch. 677, sec. 3 (p. 839).
448. The title to said water works and sewerage, and all land, estates
and water courses, water-ways, conduits, pipes, machinery and all other
parts thereto shall, when completed or acquired, vest in the Mayor and
Town Council of Oakland; and every person who shall knowingly or wil-
fully pollute any spring, streams, brooks, water course, reservoir or stand-
*"The voters approved this Act at special election in May, 1908.