2844 ARTICLE 12.
check, and the clerk of the said town of Oakland shall keep a book to be
specially provided for the purpose the names and addresses of the pur-
chasers of the bonds sold and the amount realized on the sales, together with
the serial numbers of the bonds.
1908, ch. 677, sec. 6 (p. 840).
451. In any prosecution before a justice of the peace under section
448 of this Article, the accused and the Mayor and Town Council of Oak-
land shall have the right of appeal to the Circuit Court for Garrett county
within thirty days and a jury trial. Any person or persons convicted bef pre
a justice of the peace under section 448 of this Article who shall pray an
appeal to the said court shall be held by recognizance or be committed to
the county jail to appear before the next regular jury term of the Circuit
Court for Garrett county.
1920, ch. 614, sec. 1.
452. The Mayor and Town Council of Oakland are hereby authorized
and empowered to buy, acquire or erect, construct and equip, maintain
and operate a plant for manufacturing and supplying electric current for
lighting the streets, avenues, lanes, alleys, squares and ways of Oakland
and for other municipal purposes, and for supplying light, heat and power
to the citizens of Oakland and vicinity and to fix rates and make contracts
for supplying the same.
1920, ch. 614, sec. 2.
453. For the purpose of paying for said plant and appurtenances there-
to the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland are authorized and directed
to borrow on the faith and credit of said town of Oakland, not exceeding
fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), and to issue coupon bonds therefor;
said bonds shall be for sums not less than one hundred dollars nor more
than one thousand dollars each, to be signed by the Mayor of Oakland and
countersigned by the Clerk to the Mayor and Town Council of Oakland,
and attested by the corporate seal of the said town of Oakland; said bonds
to be designated as Oakland Electric Bonds and they shall be consecu-
tively numbered and shall bear interest at the rate of not exceeding five
per centum per annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of July
and January in each year, accounting from July 1st, 1920; and shall
forever be exempt from all taxation for State, County and Municipal pur-
poses and have printed on them a distinct reference to this Act authoriz-
ing their issue.*
1920, ch. 614, sec. 3.
454. The said bonds to be issued under this Act shall mature in
numerical order to the amount of one thousand dollars in each and every
*This Act was approved by the voters in accordance with sec. 9 of said Act.