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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2841   View pdf image (33K)
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1900, ch. 156, sec. 196A.

444. The Mayor and Town Council of the town of Oakland shall have
full power and authority to contract with or grant unto any other corporate
body, individuals or partnership the right of franchise within the limits
of said town for the purpose of operating a passenger railway, water
works, or the operation of electric light plant, the granting of said fran-
chises to be regulated by the ordinances of said Mayor and Town Council,
and they are hereby empowered to pass all such ordinances as may be
necessary to put in operation the provisions of this statute, and also to
grant, by ordinances or otherwise, the right to lay conduits or water mains
through the streets of said town, and authority is hereby given said Mayor
and Town Council to condemn private property, if the same should become
necessary for the operation of the aforesaid franchises; said condemnation
proceeding to be in accordance with the laws of the State of Maryland as
now in force, and also to construct, purchase and operate an electric light
plant or water works for the benefit of the town whenever in their judg-
ment the interest of said town demands the same, and they shall have
power to pass all such ordinances as may be necessary to carry into effect
the last provision of this section.

1900, ch. 156, sec. 196B.

445. The Mayor and Town Council of the town of Oakland shall have
full power and authority to contract with corporations, partnerships or
individuals for the purchase and supplying of incandescent light.*


1908, ch. 677, sec. 1 (p. 838).

446. For the purpose of establishing, constructing and maintaining
water works capable of furnishing the residents of said town with a good
and sufficient supply of water for ordinary purposes and for fire protection
and for establishing, erecting, constructing and maintaining a sewerage
system in said town for drainage and sewerage purposes, the Mayor and
Town Council of Oakland be and they are hereby authorized and em-
powered and directed to issue bonds in the name of the Mayor and Town
Council of Oakland to an amount not exceeding $60,000.00, or so much
thereof as may be necessary for the purposes aforesaid. The said bonds
shall be for sums not less than $1,000.00 each, nor more than $1,000.00
each, to be signed by the Mayor and President of the Town Council and
countersigned by the clerks of the said Town Council with the corporate
seal of said town thereto be affixed, bearing interest at not more than five
per centum per annum, payable semi-annually in each and every year
and dated on the first day of their issue. The said bonds shall be num-
bered serially. Bond No. 1 shall be due and payable two (2) years from
date of issue, and thereafter each bond shall mature and be payable each
consecutive year from the maturity of Bond No. 1 in the order of their

*Sec. 196C, ch. 156, 1900, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2841   View pdf image (33K)
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