2840 ARTICLE 12.
Mayor and Town Council of said town at least thirty days before the
time herein prescribed for the granting and issuing of such license; and
the said Mayor and Town Council shall consider all such applications and
shall grant license for the sale of liquor in said town; but they shall refuse
to grant any license if in their judgment the applicant in any case shall
be an unfit or an unworthy person, or if the place where the applicant
proposes to conduct his business under a liquor license be in their judg-
ment so near to any church, school house, public building or private dwell-
ing as may render the sale of liquors at such place a menace to the good
morals or the good order of the neighborhood; and the said Mayor and
Town Council shall have power to revoke at any time any license granted
or issued by them under the provision of this section upon proof that the
licensee has been conducting a disorderly house, or that such licensee has
violated any provision of this section or any ordinance passed in pursu-
ance thereof, as hereinafter prescribed, and the said Mayor and Towu
Council shall pass all such ordinances as may be necessary to impose a
license tax upon each and every saloon or other place where spirituous
and fermented liquor is sold with a view to profit, which license tax shall
be collected at the date of the granting of said license; the proceeds of
said tax shall be paid into the treasury of said town as any other tax;
the said license tax shall be in each and every year the sum of two hun-
dred and fifty dollars; said license to be applied for and granted by the
Mayor and Town Council of the town of Oakland to be dated from the
first Monday of May in each year and for any portion of a year, to be-
regulated by ordinances in the discretion of the Mayor and Town Council;
and further, said saloons or other places where spirituous and fermented
liquors are sold with a view to profit shall be closed, and no liquor sold
between the hours of twelve o'clock midnight and five o'clock A. M. each
day; provided, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to pre-
vent the compounding or sale of any such liquors by a regular pharmacist
or druggist having a license for such business under the laws of this State
upon a written bona fide prescription of a regular practicing physician of
such district or county, whose name shall be signed thereto.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195-I.
442. All ordinances now in force and operation in said town shall re-
main and be in full force and effect until regularly repealed.
King v. Hamill, 97 Md. 103.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195J.
443. The Town Council may by ordinance provide for the codification
of all ordinances which have been or may be passed by it, and for the
printing of such codifications thereof, and the ordinances so issued by the
authority of the Town Council may be read in evidence from the printed
*Sec. 195K, ch. 25, 1898, repealed all local laws Inconsistent therewith.