aaid corporation, and may impose fines for such violation, or may im-
prison offenders, or may both fine and imprison offenders against said
ordinance, and in default of the payment of any fine imposed by him he
shall commit the offender to the lockup or county jail until the same be
paid, as may be provided by the ordinances of the town; provided, that
no ordinance shall be passed providing for a fine of not less than one or
more than twenty-five dollars, nor for a term of imprisonment for more
than thirty days.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195D.
437. The attorney for the corporation shall render such legal services
as may be required of him, from time to time, by the Mayor and Town
Council, and shall receive such compensation as the Town Council may
prescribe by ordinance.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195E. 1918, ch. 26, sec. 195E.
438. The Bailiff shall qualify in such manner as the Town Council
shall require. He shall perform all the police* of the town and for this
purpose he is clothed with all the powers of a constable under the gen-
eral law. He shall promptly bring all violators of the ordinances of the
town to trial before the police magistrate. He shall enforce the ordinances
of the town, and shall be subject to the orders of the Mayor and Council,
provided such orders are not contrary to the ordinances of the town. He
shall receive the sum of seven hundred and twenty dollars a year for his
services, to be paid in monthly installments of sixty dollars, and shall in
addition thereto be entitled to receive the same fees as a constable in Gar-
rett County for making arrests or serving any process for violation of the
ordinances of the town. +
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195P.
439. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company shall keep a flagman
to guard the crossings of the tracks of said company over Second Street, in
the town of Oakland, between the hours of seven o'clock A. M. and nine
o'clock P. M.
1898, ch. 25, see. 195G.
440. The Mayor and Town Council shall have power to require license
from all circuses, menageries, concerts, theatricals and all other exhibition
exhibiting for gain in said town, they shall have power to require license
from the owners and keepers of hacks, carts, wagons, drays and every
description of wheeled vehicle and carriages in said town, or that may be
brought into said town for hire, also from auctions, stores, hawkers, ped-
dlers and meat shops in said town.
1898, ch. 25, sec. 195H 190G, ch. 359, sec. 195H
441. All applications for license to sell spirituous and fermented
liquors and lager beer in the said town of Oakland shall be made to the
*Some word such as "duty" evidently omitted.
+Sec. 2, ch. 26, 1918, repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.