for Allegany and Garrett Counties the sum of $1,500.00 in monthly in-
stalments on or before the 10th day of each month as long as said Court
Stenographer is performing the official duties herein provided for, or until
said County Commissioners are notified by the Judges of said circuit,
or any of them, to the contrary. And that the County Commissioners of
Garrett County shall levy and pay to the said Court Stenographer so
appointed for the Circuit Courts for Allegany and Garrett Counties the
sum of $300.00 in monthly installments on or before the 10th day of each
month as long as said Court Stenographer is performing the official duties
herein provided for, or until said County Commissioners are notified by
the Judges of said circuit, or any of them, to the contrary.
1922, ch. 254, sec. 5. 1927, ch. 68.
75. The said Court Stenographer so appointed shall be skilled in the
art and practice of stenography and typewriting and shall hold said posi-
tion until removed by the Judges of said Circuit or a majority of them;
and in case of a vacancy in said office, said Judges are authorized and
directed to appoint a suitable person in conformity with this Act to fill
such vacancy. It shall be the duty of said Official Court Stenographer
at the discretion of said court to take full stenographic notes of all oral
testimony and judicial opinions orally delivered at the regular terms and
at all trials of cases in law or in equity of said court when the testimony
is taken in open court, and any other judicial opinions, or judicial matters
pertaining to the business of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Maryland
when requested by any of the Judges thereof, it shall be the duty of said
Court Stenographer to furnish to any party to such proceedings or his
attorney, promptly, upon request a typewritten copy of the notes of tes-
timony and judicial opinions so delivered in open court and taken down
in shorthand, or so much thereof as may be requested, on payment by
such party of the expense of said copy at the rate of fifteen cents for every
hundred words, to the Court Stenographer for Allegany and Garrett Coun-
ties and ten cents for every hundred words to the Court Stenographer for
Washington County, excepting when typewritten copy is requested to be
written and furnished during the progress of the trial of the case, when
said Court Stenographer for Allegany and Garrett Counties shall be enti-
tled to charge for the same at the rate of thirty cents per hundred words,
and said Court Stenographer in Washington County shall be entitled to
charge for the same at the rate of twenty cents per hundred words. Said
Official Court Stenographer for Allegany and Garrett Counties shall be
entitled to make an additional charge of seven and one-half cents per
hundred words per each carbon copy furnished any of said parties at any
time and the Official Court Stenographer of Washington County shall be
entitled to make an additional charge of five cents per hundred words per
each carbon copy furnished any of said parties at any time. When any
Judge of said Court shall pass an order requesting a typewritten copy
of all or any part of the notes of said Court Stenographer taken as afore-
said to be made, it shall be the duty of said Court Stenographer to make