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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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had taken place; and in all such cases still pending, and which shall not
be removed as herein provided, and in which warrants of resurvey have
been issued to the sheriff and surveyor of Allegany County, or in which,
any other process has been issued to them or either of them, it shall be
their duty to execute such warrant of resurvey, or other process, as if the
same were to be executed in Allegany County: and in all such cases where
a warrant of resurvey or other process shall be issued by the Circuit
Court for Allegany County to the sheriff and surveyor of Garrett County,
or either of them, the Circuit Court for Allegany County shall have the
same power over the sheriff and surveyor of Garrett County to compel
execution of such warrant of resurvey or other process, and to compel
obedience to any such summons or other process, whether mesne or final,
that it now has over its own like officers; and in all cases where removals
shall take place under the preceding section, the court may direct the
transfer of the original papers in such cases to the Circuit Court for Gar-
rett County instead of causing a copy of the record to be so transmitted.


1927, ch. 199.

72. It shall be lawful to close the offices of the Clerk of the Circuit
Court and Register of Wills of Allegany County at the hour of one o'clock
P. M. on Saturday of each week; provided any Judge of the Circuit Court
or of the Orphans' Court of said County may order and direct at any time
that the said office of the Clerk of the Court or Register of Wills, respec-
tively, be kept open after such hour on Saturday and the aaid Clerk and
his deputies and Register of Wills and his deputies to remain for such a
time as the Judges of said Circuit and Orphans' Court, respectively, may
feel necessary for the convenience of the respective courts.


1920, ch. 201. 1922, ch. 254, sec. 2. 1927, ch. 461, sec. 2.

73. The Judges of the Fourth Judicial Circuit of Maryland, are
hereby authorized and directed to appoint two Official Court Stenog-
raphers, one for the Circuit Court for Washington County, and one for
the Circuit Court for Allegany and Garrett Counties, who shall be sworn
officers of the courts of said circuit. And the said Court Stenographer so
appointed for the Circuit Court for Washington County shall receive a
salary of $1,200.00 per annum. And the said Court Stenographer so
appointed for the Circuit Courts for Allegany and Garrett Counties shall
receive a salary of $1,800.00 per annum from the time of his or her ap-
pointment and qualification.

1922, ch. 254, sec. 4.

74. The County Commissioners of Allegany County shall levy and
pay to the said Court Stenographer so appointed for the Circuit Courts


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 26   View pdf image (33K)
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