1929, ch. 124, sec. 12.
886. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to buy electric current on such terms as may be prescribed by
ordinances or motions passed by them.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 13.
887. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized to pass
ordinances to regulate all shows, exhibitions and exhibits to be held and
conducted in said city and to exact and collect from any person or persons
who may desire to present such shows or exhibits such license fee as the
Burgess and Commissioners may deem just and proper.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 14.
888. It shall be the duty of the County Commissioners of Frederick
County to pay over annually to the Burgess and Commissioners of
Woodsboro one-fourth of the franchise tax the said County Commission-
ers shall receive under the provisions of the Code of Public General Laws
of Maryland from every savings bank, institution or corporation organ-
ized for receiving deposits of money and paying interest thereon located
within the taxable limits of Woodsboro and having its principal office
1829, ch. 124, sec. 15.
889. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to issue bonds in the name of said municipal corporation, to an
amount not to exceed $10,000.00, the bonds so issued under the provi-
sions of this section, shall be issued in sums of not less than $100.00, nor
more than $500.00 each, to be signed by the Burgess and countersigned
by the Commissioners, and said bonds to be coupon bonds and to bear
interest at the rate not to exceed 5% per annum, payable semi-annually
on the first of July and January of each year, and each of said bonds
shall be payable (20) years after date to bearer, redeemable, however, at
the pleasure of said Burgess and Commissioners, of Woodsboro, at any
time after the expiration of ten (10) years from their respective dates.
The Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro, shall sell said bonds in
such manner as they believe will subserve the best interest of said city,
provided, however, that said bonds shall not be sold for less than par for
cash current money. Said bonds shall be exempt from all city and munic-
ipal taxation, and that the proceeds arising from the sale of the bonds
authorized hereby to be issued as aforesaid shall be applied exclusively for
improvements of said town at the discretion of the Burgess and Com-
missioners. The Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro shall have
full power and authority and are hereby required to levy all necessary
taxes upon the taxable property within the taxable limits of the city of
Woodsboro, for the payment of the interest on said bonds, and for the
payment of the principal thereof, at the maturity of said bonds, and shall
create a sinking fund for that purpose and levy and collect the necessary