2684 ARTICLE 11.
taxes therefor, provided, however, that before any bonds shall be issued,
under the provisions of this Act, the question shall be submitted to the
qualified voters of said municipality, either at the annual election, or at
a special election called for that purpose, in the discretion' of the Burgess
and Commissioners, and if at said general election or special election that
may be called for the purpose of voting upon said question, three-fifths
of the qualified voters residing in said corporation limits shall vote in
favor of the issuing of said bonds, then the same may be issued by said
Burgess and Commissioners, as herein provided.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 16.
890. The Burgess and Commissioners may impose and appropriate
fines, penalties and forfeitures for the breach of their by-laws and ordi-
nances, and may pass all ordinances necessary to give effect and opera-
tion to the power vested in said corporation, provided that no ordinance
or by-laws shall impose a fine of more than twenty dollars for any one
offense, or in default of payment thereof, authorize a commitment to the
jail of Frederick County, for a period of not more than thirty days. In
all cases in which any person shall be found guilty of violating any of the
ordinances of the corporation of Woodsboro, it shall be lawful, upon
conviction of the offender, to impose the fine prescribed by the particular
ordinance under which said person is tried, and upon failure or refusal
of the party convicted thereof, to pay such fine and costs, to commit the
person convicted to the jail of Frederick County for the time prescribed
in said ordinance, unless the person convicted shall pay such fine and
costs before the day limited in the commitment, in which case the Burgess
or officer who tried the case, shall issue his order to the sheriff to release
said person. The Sheriff of Frederick County shall receive and safe
keep in the jail of said County, all persons who shall be committed thereto
for a breach of any of the ordinances or laws of said corporation, accord-
ing to the tenor of the commitment, and in the same manner and under
the same regulations as persons committed for a violation of the laws of
the State. And said Sheriff shall receive the sum of twenty-five cents per
day for boarding and keeping any such offenders.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 17.
891. All fines and forfeitures shall be recovered in the name and for
the use of the Burgess and Commissioners of Woodsboro and all commit-
ments shall be signed by the Burgess or a Justice of the Peace residing
in Woodsboro District in Frederick County, Maryland.