2682 ARTICLE 11.
record on the assessment books in the office of the County Commissioners
of Frederick County, for the use of said corporation, not exceeding, how-
ever, the sum of ten cents on one hundred dollars on assessable property
as aforesaid in any one year.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 9.
883. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to pass all ordinances which they may deem necessary to pre-
serve the health of the town, prevent and remove nuisances, preserve the
peace, order and quiet of the town, establish street lines, build lines and
grades and to require property owners to conform thereto, to require prop-
erty owners, at their own expense, to lay, keep in repair sidewalks, curbs
and gutters binding on their properties, at such time and with such mate-
rials as they think proper, to make reasonable regulations for the use
of streets, lanes and alleys in said town by the erection or maintenance
of poles, wires and lines over and upon the same, to grant franchises to
public or quasi-public corporations, to pass all ordinances, resolutions and
motions necessary or proper for the good government and administration
of the business of the corporation, to provide for the issuing of licenses
or permits for all hauling, peddling or vendors of all goods, wares and
merchandise in said town, to levy and collect a license tax from and regu-
late any and all trades and occupations carried on in said town and may
levy and collect special taxes on all telephone, telegraph and electric light
poles erected and maintained within the limits of said town, and may
pass all ordinances, by-laws, resolutions and motions which may be neces-
sary or proper for the purposes of carrying out the powers hereby con-
1929, ch. 124, sec. 10.
884. The Burgess shall see that all ordinances are duly and faith-
fully executed and he shall by virtue of his office have and exercise within
the limits of corporation all powers of a Justice of the Peace except as
to the recovery of small debts.
1929, ch. 124, sec. 11.
885. The Burgess and Commissioners are hereby authorized to ap-
point a Bailiff to enforce all ordinances, resolutions and by-laws passed
by said Burgess and Commissioners, and the Bailiff when appointed, shall
have all the powers and authority of a County Constable while acting
within the corporate limits of Woodsboro. The Burgess and Commis-
sioners may, from time to time, appoint such other officers and employees
as they shall think proper for the efficient administration and good gov-
ernment of said town, provided, however, that the Burgess or one of the
Commissioners may act as Treasurer, Clerk, Bailiff or in any other official
capacity, and the salary of the Burgess and Commissioners and all other
officers of the corporation shall be fixed by ordinances.