2672 ARTICLE 11.
carry out the provisions of this subtitle, or any ordinance passed in pur-
suance thereof, as it shall think proper, and prescribe their compensation,
and all such officers shall be appointed in the same manner provided in
Section 835 of this subtitle; to grant franchises to electric, telegraph and
telephone companies, water companies, and any other public or quasi-
public corporation, provided the ordinance or contract granting such
franchise shall specifically set out the nature and character of the same,
and no power or right not expressed in the franchise or grant shall pass
thereunder; to regulate the disposal of garbage and refuse of all kinds;
to provide for the regulation, location and erection of slaughter houses;
to light the public places of the town, and may furnish light to the in-
habitants thereof, or to contract with any person, firm or corporation, for
the lighting of the town, either with gas, electricity or such other means as
it shall think proper, provided no such contract shall be for a longer
period than ten years to contract with any person, firm or corporation
for the purpose of supplying said town with water, for fire protection, or
for any other municipal purpose, provided no such contract shall be for
a longer period than ten years, and may levy and collect special taxes
upon all telegraph, telephone, electric light and trolley poles or posts
erected and maintained within the limits of the corporation; to pass all
by-laws, ordinances, resolutions and motions for such municipal purposes
as in its judgment, may be beneficial to said corporation; and for the
purpose of carrying out the aforesaid powers, and for the preservation
of the cleanliness, health, peace and good order of the community and
for the protection of the lives and property of the citizens, and for the
violation of any ordinance or any section of any ordinance passed under
the provisions of this section, or by authority thereof, it may impose such
reasonable fines, not exceeding twenty dollars in any case as to it may
seem proper, and in default of the payment of any fine imposed, it may
provide for the imprisonment of the offender for a period not exceeding
thirty days in the jail of Frederick County, or until the fine be paid.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 14. 1918 Code, sec. 809.
839. The Burgess, by virtue of his office, shall have and exercise, with-
in the limits of the corporation, all jurisdictions and powers of a justice
of the peace, except as to civil cases and the acknowledgment of deeds, he
shall see that all laws and ordinances of the corporation are fully and
faithfully executed and enforced, and may call upon any officer of the
town, entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of public money, for a
statement of his account, as often as he may think necessary; he shall be
responsible for the good order and efficient government of the town, and
shall, by virtue of the power and authority of his office, hear and decide
any violations of the laws and ordinances of the corporation, and shall
impose such fines and penalties as they prescribe, and shall keep a docket
on which all such cases coming before him shall be entered, which shall
state the name of the party charged, the offense charged, how tried and
the judgment rendered, setting out the fine, if any imposed, and the cost