of the case. He shall pay over to the Town Treasurer, on the first Mon-
day of each month, the public moneys in his hands, and when required
by the Commissioners, he shall report, in writing, the general state of the
town, and at the same time he may recommend any matters as he may
think will promote its interest. He shall have the right to veto any order,
ordinance or resolution incurring any debt, or paying out, or in any way
appropriating any money; and such order, resolution or ordinance, imme-
diately after its passage, shall be sent to the Burgess for his approval or
disapproval, and he may return the same with his approval or disapproval
to the same meeting at which it was passed; within ten days after the
passage of any such ordinance, resolution or order, the Burgess shall act
on the same, and if he shall approve it, or fail to act on it, within ten
days of its passage, which fact shall be endorsed by the Clerk of the Board,
it shall become operative and effectual; but if the Burgess shall veto any
such order, resolution or ordinance, he shall notify the clerk of the fact,
and transmit his reasons in writing to the Commissioners at their next
regular meeting or special meeting, whichever shall first occur, and such
order, resolution or ordinance, shall not become operative and effectual
unless passed over his veto by the affirmative vote of all the members of
the Board. If at any time the Burgess shall think any person appointed
to office by him shall be incompetent or unfaithful to the duties of his
office, he may file a written statement of charges against him with the
Commissioner, a copy of which shall be sent to the person charged, and
the Board of Commissioners shall set a time to hear the same, and if,
after a full hearing, they shall find such officer incompetent or unfaithful,
the Burgess shall remove him from office, and with the consent and ap-
proval of the Commissioners, as provided in the 834th Section of this sub-
title, shall appoint a proper person to fill his place. In the performance
of his duties, said Burgess shall receive the same fees allowed justices
of the peace in similar cases, and an appeal from his judgment may be
taken to the Circuit Court for the county, which shall hear and determine
the matter as upon an appeal from a justice of the peace. The Burgess
shall have power to summon witnesses, to administer oaths, and to cer-
tify the same in all matters properly pertaining to said corporation, jus-
tice of the peace, sheriffs, constables and all other county and State offi-
cers, shall have, hold and exercise their offices and jurisdiction in said
1914, ch. 237, sec. 15. 1918 Code, sec. 810. 1920, ch. 260, sec. 15.
840. The Burgess and Commissioners may, whenever they think the
public interest requires it, cause an assessment to be made of all property
within the corporate limits of said town, subject to assessment for State
and county taxes; and they may by ordinance prescribe the manner in
which any such assessment may be made, and how the same shall be kept,
revised and corrected, provide for adjusting differences in relation to such
assessment, and do all other things which they may deem necessary and
proper in making such assessment and keeping the same correct; provided