restraining theatrical or other public amusement within the limits of the
corporation to preserve the peace, order and quiet of Walkersville; to
prevent horse racing, drunkenness and breaches of the Sabbath Day; to
regulate the keeping of dogs, and provide for licensing or taxing them, and
to restrain them from running at large; to prevent the running at large
of horses, cattle, swine, geese and all other animals and fowls; to regu-
late the speed and operation of locomotives, cars, street cars, motor vehi-
cles, vehicles of every description and animals of the horse kind; to pre-
vent, remove and abate nuisances upon the streets, highways, lanes, alleys,
drains, sewers or water courses; to remove, or cause to be removed, houses
or other structures that may be dangerous to persons passing along and
over any of the highways of the town; to make reasonable regulations in
regard to buildings to be erected in said town; to regulate street crossings
and provide for grading and re-grading, paving, re-paving and repairing
of the streets, alleys and footways or sidewalks of said town, and compel,
by fine or otherwise, the owner or proprietor of any lot to pave or re-pave,
grade or re-grade or repair the footways, curbs and gutters fronting there-
on, at the expense of said proprietor or owner, in whole or in part, at such
time, and with such material as it may prescribe, and if any proprietor
or owner of any such lot shall neglect to grade and pave or re-grade or re-
pave the footways, curbs and gutters of any such lot, -within sixty days
after notice shall be given by the Burgess of said town, as provided by
ordinance, requiring the same to be done, the Burgess and Commissioners
may cause any such work to be done at the expense of the owner or pro-
prietor of any such lot, which expense shall be a lien on said property
until paid, and shall be collected by the tax collector of said town, either
by a suit at law, or by distress; to establish or regulate a station house or
lock-up for temporary confinement of violators of the laws and ordinances
of the corporation; to suppress vagrancy; to prevent horses and vehicles
from passing over sidewalks or footways; to provide for the construction,
opening, enlarging or straightening of any drain or culvert; and regulate
the tapping thereof; to provide for the establishment of building lines,
curb lines, street lines and grades, and to change from time to time the
grade lines of any street, lane or alley, or part thereof; to regulate the
use of sreets, highways, roads, public places and sidewalks, by foot pas-
sengers, animals, vehicles, cars, motors and locomotives, and prevent en-
croachment thereon and obstruction of the same; to regulate the opening
of street surface, for the purpose authorized by law or ordinance; to regu-
late the use of sidewalks for the use of signs, sign posts, telegraph poles,
telephone and trolley poles, electric light poles, telegraph and telephone
wires, and for any and all other purposes; to clean the streets and remove
the dirt and filth therefrom and to prohibit and punish the placing of any
dirt, filth or other matter therein, and to protect any pavement by pro-
hibiting travel thereon; to regulate the use of streets, lanes and alleys
in said town, by railway or other tracks, gas or other pipes, telegraph,
telephone, electric light or other wires and poles in, under, over and upon
the same; to appoint such officers and employees, not herein named, to