2670 ARTICLE 11.
subject to confirmation by a majority of the Commissioners elected a clerk,
who may be one of their members, and who may be also appointed Col-
lector of Taxes, and they shall prescribe his duties and fix his salary.
The clerk shall keep a book of record of the proceedings, resolutions and
ordinances of said corporation which shall be open for the inspection of
any person interested.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 10. 1918 Code, sec. 805.
835. The Burgess shall, at the first regular meeting of the Board of
Commissioners, after their election, and annually thereafter, appoint,
subject to confirmation by a majority of the Commissioners elected a
Bailiff, who, within the limits of said corporation, and within one-half
mile beyond said limits, shall have all the police powers of constable
and deputy sheriffs of the State of Maryland, and it shall be his duty to
enforce the laws, by-laws and ordinances of said corporation and the laws
of the State of Maryland relating to crimes and misdemeanors, committed
within said boundaries. And the said Burgess and Commissioners, or any
of them, shall have power to call upon any county constable, or deputy
sheriff of Frederick County, whenever the occasion may require, to pre-
serve the peace and good order within the aforesaid boundaries. And the
Bailiff shall receive the fees of constable for services of a like nature, and
such other compensation as the Burgess and Commissioners shall think
1914, ch. 237, sec. 11. 1918 Code, sec. 806.
836. In the event the appointment provided for in Sections 833, 834
and 835 of this subtitle shall be made on any date other than that named
therein, said appointments shall be as effective and binding as if made on
the date specified.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 12. 1918 Code, sec. 807.
837. The Burgess and Commissioners and all other officers of the cor-
poration shall, before they enter upon the duties of their office, make oath
before a Notary Public, or any other person qualified to administer oaths,
that they will diligently and faithfully, to the best of their skill and judg-
ment, perform the duties of their office, and shall file a certificate thereof,
signed by the officer before whom said oath was made, among the records
of the corporation.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 13. 1918 Code, sec. 808.
838. The Burgess and Commissioners of Walkersville shall have power
to provide for the collection of all taxes, either by distress, or by suit at
law; to preserve the health of the town; to prevent and remove nuisances;
to prevent the introduction of contagious disease within the town; to
establish night watches and patrols, and erect and repair bridges; to sup-
press fires, prevent the danger thereof, establish or aid and assist the
maintenance of fire departments, to provide for licensing, regulating or