2668 ARTICLE 11.
1914, ch. 237, see. 4. 1918 Code, sec. 799.
829. The corporate limits of the town of Walkersville, of Frederick
County, Maryland, shall include all land lying within the following
boundaries: Beginning at the bridge over the Glade Branch on the road
leading from Walkersville to Bigg's Ford, on the Monocacy, and follow-
ing said Glade Branch to a point one hundred feet northeast of the
grounds of the canning factory now owned by Charles W. Ross and
Charles B. Stanley, partners trading as the Monocacy Valley Canning"
Co.; thence with a line parallel with the northeast line of the canning
factory ground to the Northern Central Railroad, following said railroad
to the road leading from Walkersville to the Glade Cemetery; thence
with said road to the land heretofore owned by Nettie J. Atlee, and with
the lines on the northeast of said Atlee's land to the public road; thence
with a line through the lands of E. L. Cramer, to a gate on said land,
on the Woodsboro and Frederick turnpike, thence with a line parallel
with the northeast line of Susan Musser's lot, through the lands of Cath-
erine Burrier, three hundred and sixty-three feet, more or less; thence
to the southeast corner of Susan Musser's land; thence with the south-
west line of Susan Musser, Samuel Smith, heirs of John Hoffman and
the land of John Spurrier, thence through the lands of W. C. Hineas and
the land heretofore owned by Samuel Ramsburg to the road leading from
Walkersville to Mt. Pleasant; thence with said road to the southeast cor-
ner of Crawford heirs' lot; thence with the line of Crawford heirs and
J. D. Nicodemus to the southwest corner of the land heretofore owned by
R. A. Freshour; thence in a direct line parallel with the Woodsboro and
Frederick turnpike, through the lands of J. D. Nicodemus and Nicodemua
Brothers, to a point directly opposite of the southwest comer of the land
heretofore owned by Lincoln G. Dinterman, thence with the line of the
lot heretofore owned by L. C. Dinterman and the land now or heretofore
owned by David Cramer to the dividing line of David Cramer and
Johnson and Kemp's addition to Walkersville; thence northwest in a
direct line to the southeast boundary line to the southeast boundary line
of heirs of J. Z. Reddick's lot; thence with said line of heirs of J. Z.
Reddick direct to a locust tree through the lands of David Cramer, and
from said locust tree to the place of beginning.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 5. 1918 Code, sec. 800.
830. On the first Monday of May, A. D. 1914, the voters of Walkers-
ville qualified as hereinafter described, shall elect a Burgess and three
Commissioners. At the election in the year 1914 the Burgess and Com-
missioners receiving the highest number of votes shall hold office for two
years and the two Commissioners receiving the next highest number of
votes shall hold office for one year, and at the election, held in the year
1915, there shall be two Commissioners elected for a term of two years,
and at the election to be held in the year 1916, a Burgess and one Com-
missioner shall be elected for term of two years, and in like manner alter-
nately from year to year thereafter. An election shall be held on the first