owners thereof shall, when adjudged guilty of the violation of the preced-
ing section, pay a fine of one ($1) dollar for each head of such live stock
or animal found at large or pasturing within the above-named limits, and
he or they shall also pay the costs of prosecution.
1902, ch. 470, sec. 3. 1918 Code, sec. 795.
825. Any justice of the peace of Frederick county shall have jurisdic-
tion of any violation of the provisions of this sub-title, any person offend-
ing against the provisions of this sub-title, and being convicted thereof,
shall pay and forfeit the fine named in the preceding section, the amount
of such fine to be paid to the County Commissioners of Frederick County
for the use of Frederick County, and if the offender shall fail to pay the
fine and costs he or they shall be committed to the jail of Frederick
County for every offense, for not less than five days nor more than thirty
1902, ch. 470, sec. 4. 1918 Code, sec. 796.
826. Any one who has been adjudged guilty of a violation of the pre-
ceding sections of this sub-title by a justice of the peace aforesaid, has
a right of appeal from said judgment to the Circuit Court for Frederick
County, but sentence to jail shall not be stayed unless he or she shall give
bond to the State of Maryland in the penalty of fifty ($50) dollars, con-
ditioned to prosecute said appeal with effect at the next term of said
court, which bond shall be liable for said fine and all costs of the prose-
cution to that amount.
1892, ch. 351. 1914, ch. 237, sec. 2. 1918 Code, sec. 797.
827. The citizens of the town of Walkersville, in Frederick County,
are hereby constituted a body corporate, by the name of the "Burgess and
Commissioners of Walkersville," and by that name shall have perpetual
succession, may purchase and hold real, personal or mixed property,
and may sue and be sued, and have and use a common seal.
1914, ch. 237, sec. 3. 1918 Code, sec. 798.
828. All property and franchises of every kind belonging to, or in
possession of the "Commissioners of Walkersville," are vested in the
"Burgess and Commissioners of Walkersville"; and said corporation may
receive in trust and control for any general corporate purpose of such
trust, or for the benefit of said corporation, all monies and other prop-
erty which may have been or shall hereafter be bestowed upon it by
will, deed or any other form of gift or conveyance, in trust for any
general corporate purposes, or in aid of the indigent poor, or for the
general purpose of education, or for charitable purposes of any descrip-
tion, within said town.