2666 ARTICLE 11.
1914, ch. 670, sec. 451K; ch. 586, sec. 451K. 1918 Code, sec. 791.
819. Any sale of lands by the Treasurer when the owners are de-
scribed as heirs shall pass the title as fully as if such heirs were each
named in the proceedings by his other proper name; and if the pur-
chaser of any real estate sold by the Treasurer for the payment of taxes
shall die without having procured a deed therefor the Treasurer may con-
vey the said real estate to the devisees or heirs of the purchaser.
1908, ch. 330, sec. 451AA. 1918 Code, sec. 792. 1920, ch. 74.
820. The said Treasurer is hereby authorized to appoint a clerk at a
salary of twelve hundred dollars per annum; and the County Commis-
sioners are hereby authorized and directed to levy said sum annually for
the payment of the salary of said clerk and the Treasurer shall pay the
same monthly.
1922, ch. 11, sec. 793.
821. The said Treasurer is hereby authorized to appoint such addi-
tional clerk or clerks as he may find necessary to conduct said office
efficiently, at a compensation not to exceed eight hundred dollars per
annum, as salary or salaries to said additional clerk or clerks; and the
County Commissioners are hereby authorized and directed to levy eight
hundred dollars annually, and no more, for the payment of the salary or
salaries of the said additional clerk or clerks. Said salary or salaries to
be paid monthly. And the said County Commissioners are further au-
thorized and directed to levy a sum sufficient each year to pay the premium
on the bond required of the County Treasurer and to pay for the same.
1922, ch. 11, sec. 794.
822. The County Treasurer of Frederick County shall receive the sum
of len cents for each dog license issued in said County, to be paid by the
County Commissioners of Frederick County out of the dog license fund.
1902, ch. 470, sec. 1. 1918 Code, sec. 793.
823. It shall not be lawful for the owner or owners of any horses,
cattle, calves, hogs, sheep or other domestic animals, to allow them to
pasture or run at large at night time along or upon the Monocacy and
Urbana turnpike road, or upon any of the public roads of Frederick
County, Maryland, within one and one-half miles in any direction of or
from the public school house building in Urbana District, in Frederick
County, Maryland, the said animals being unattended by a keeper or
1902, ch. 470, sec. 2. 1918 Code, sec. 794.
824. For each horse, cow, calf, hog or sheep, or other domestic animals
found running at large or pasturing upon the said turnpike road or public
roads and between and within the above-named limits, the owner or