good cause be shown against such ratification, in the judgment of the court,
in relation to any parcel of land sold, the said sale shall be set aside as
to such parcel, in which case the said Treasurer shall, within thirty days,
proceed to a new sale of the property, in which case his proceedings shall
be in all particulars similar to those in the original sale, and the purchaser
thereunder shall acquire the same right and title as purchasers under the
original sale, and bring the proceeds into court, out of which the purchaser
shall be repaid the purchase money paid by him to the Treasurer on said
rejected sale and all taxes assessed on said real estate and paid by the
purchaser since said sale, with interest on all such sums from time of
payment; and if the purchaser has not paid the purchase money on the
subsequent taxes, said proceeds shall be applied to the payment of the
taxes for which said property may have been sold, and all subsequent taxes
thereon then in arrears, with interest on the same, according to law; and
no sale made under the provisions of this subtitle shall be set aside if the
provisions of the law shall appear to have been substantially complied
with, and the burden of proof shall be on the exceptant to show the same
to be invalid.
1914, ch. 670, sec. 451-1; ch. 586, sec. 451-I. 1918 Code, sec. 789.
817. Whenever any real estate shall be sold by the Treasurer, the
owner thereof, prior to the sale, may redeem the same by paying into
court to be paid to the purchaser thereof within two years from the date
of such sale, the amount of the purchase money and all subsequent taxes
paid by the purchaser, and such sums as may have been expended in the
insurance and necessary repairs and care of said property by the pur-
chaser, if any has been made with interest thereon at the rate of ten per
centum per annum from the date of sale and the date of payment of such
taxes and expenditures, respectively; provided, that said purchaser shall
file with the clerk of the circuit court of said county an itemized state-
ment of the sums so expended and the date of such expenditure, verified
by affidavit, and it shall be the duty of said clerk when and as the money
is paid into court for the redemption of property as hereinbefore pro-
vided, to notify, by mail or otherwise, the purchaser of said property of
such payment for the purposes of redemption.
1914, ch. 670, sec. 451J; ch. 586, sec. 451J. 1918 Code, sec. 790.
818. After the expiration of two years from the date of such sale (pro-
Tided the same shall have been ratified by the court) the Treasurer shall,
by a good and sufficient deed, to be executed and acknowledged ac-
cording to law, and at the cost of the purchaser convey to the purchaser
or purchasers the parcel of land so sold; and if the Treasurer making any
such sales shall die, remove from the county or cease to be Treasurer by
reason of the expiration of his term of office, or for any cause, the Treas-
urer of said county then in office shall execute such deed as fully and
effectually as the Collector or Treasurer making such sale might or could
have done; or in the event that there be no Treasurer the Circuit Court
for Frederick County shall appoint some person to convey the same.