corporate, is hereby ratified and confirmed, and the said, the Commis-
sioners of Thurmont, said municipal body corporate are hereby granted
full power and authority to own, operate and maintain the electric light
and power plant erected by the said The Citizens' Electric Light and
Power Company of Thurmont, and to make all such contracts as may be
necessary to light streets, lanes, alleys and public buildings of said town
of Thurmont and furnish light and power to its citizens.
1929, ch. 392.
805. The municipal corporation, the Commissioners of Thurmont, is
authorized and empowered to own in its name, for the benefit of said
municipal corporation and to acquire said real estate either by gift or
donation for the purpose of creating and maintaining a Memorial Park,
dedicated to those residents of the Thurmont District, who gave their
services to the Nation during the World War; and when said real estate
has been so acquired by said municipal corporation that the said real es-
tate is to be deeded to said municipal corporation in fee.
1927, ch. 111.
806. The Commissioners of Thurmont are hereby authorized and em-
powered to borrow upon the faith and Credit of the corporation of Thur-
mont such sum or sums of money at a rate of interest not exceeding six
per cent, per annum as it shall think proper for municipal purposes with
full power to issue the promissory note or notes, obligation or obligations
of the Commissioners of Thurmont for the amount authorized to be bor-
rowed by this Act or any part thereof; provided that not more than five
thousand dollars ($5,000) shall be borrowed in any one year, which year
for the purpose of this Act shall begin on the 1st day of January and end
on the 31st day of December following in each and every year, commenc-
ing with the year of 1927, and provided further that the Commissioners
of Thurmont shall levy a sufficient tax to pay off all money borrowed, to-
gether with the accumulated interest thereon during the current year and
apply the amount so levied to the payment of any such indebtedness; pro-
vided further that at no time shall the floating indebtedness of the Com-
missioners of Thurmont exceed the sum of five thousand dollars ($5,000).
1896, ch. 177, sec. 451A. 1898, ch. 486, sec. 451A. 1914, ch. 363, sec. 451A;
ch. 820, sec. 451A. 1918 Code, sec. 779. 1929, ch. 389-
807. At the general election to be held the Tuesday next after the first
Monday in the month of November, in the year nineteen hundred and
thirty, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter, a county
treasurer shall be elected by the qualified voters of Frederick County, who
shall hold his office for the term of four years and until his successor in
office is duly elected and qualified, and who shall be removed from office
by the County Commissioners of Frederick County upon conviction in
the Circuit Court for said County, or in any other County having juris-
diction in the premises, for any wilful neglect of duty, or misbehavior