2660 ARTICLE 11.
or malfeasance in office; and in case of a vacancy in said office, by reason
of a removal from office as herein provided, or by reason of death, resig-
nation, removal from the County, or in any other manner, the Governor
of the State shall be and he is hereby authorized and empowered to fill
such vacancy by appointment of some person having the necessary quali-
fication, who shall hold said office for the remainder of the said term.
The person so elected County Treasurer shall be Collector of all State
and County taxes for said County, for whatsoever purpose, which shall
be levied or assessed during his term of office, in the same manner and
to the same extent and with the same powers heretofore exercised by the
County Treasurer and Collector of State and County taxes for said
County, under the laws of the State of Maryland; and it shall be his
duty to receive and collect all State and County taxes, levied or assessed
or placed in his hands for collection, with full power and authority to en-
force the payment of the same by distraint, sale or otherwise, and also to
receive all money which shall be due and payable to said County from
any source whatsoever; and the said County Treasurer is hereby authorized
and empowered to convey to purchaser or purchasers thereof, the title to
any real or personal property sold by him for the payment of State and
County taxes or either of them. During the continuance of his office as
Treasurer, he shall collect all taxes levied by the County Commissioners,
and shall receive all moneys due to said County from any source what-
ever, including interest paid on such taxes as are in arrear, and deposit
the same in some bank or banks, or trust company or companies of Fred-
erick City, Maryland, bidding the highest rate of interest upon daily
balance of such deposits and being ready and willing to furnish a Deposi-
tory Bond satisfactory to the County Commissioners; and shall disburse
the said moneys deposited under the provisions of law and the order of
the County Commissioners, and pay over as the County Commissioners
may direct all moneys received for said County, that may at any time be
in his custody, charge or control, belonging to said County; and for his
services as such County Treasurer he shall receive the salary of three
thousand dollars, payable every three mouths, in installments of seven
hundred and fifty dollars, upon the order of said Board of County Com-
missioners, and no other compensation or commission whatever, and any
profit accruing to said Treasurer from the discounting of State taxes and
interest received upon such deposits made as hereinbefore provided, shall
be chargeable against him and placed to the credit of said County Com-
missioners in the accounting of his salary. Nothing in this section or in
any law heretofore passed shall prohibit, any County Treasurer for said
County from being eligible for any consecutive terms or any other addi-
tional terms in the said office.
1896, ch. 177, sec. 451B. 1898, ch. 486, sec. 451. 1918, ch. 482, sec. 451B.
1918 Code, sec. 780.
808. The person elected County Treasurer, as provided by law, before
he proceeds to act as collector of county taxes in each year, shall bond to