2592 ARTICLE 11.
notice; and the Burgess and Commissioners of Middletown are hereby
authorized and empowered to provide by ordinance for the appointment
of a Committee of the Burgess and Commissioners, or such other person
or persons as they shall appoint, not exceeding three, who shall act as
Commissioner or Commissioners, to determine the amount of the assess-
ment to be made upon any such property under the provisions of this Act;
and the ordinance or ordinances passed in pursuance hereof, and after the
Commissioner or Commissioners so appointed shall have completed their
apportionment of the expenses to be assessed upon the property binding
on any street or streets, lane or lanes, alley or alleys, or portions thereof,
they shall give notice by advertisement inserted once a week for two suc-
cessive weeks in some newspaper published in said town, notifying all
persons interested therein to appear and giving them an opportunity to
be heard before the amount assessed against them are finally established
by said Commissioner or Commissioners; and any person including the
town itself, feeling aggrieved at the action of said Commissioner or Com-
missioners have the right to appeal to the Circuit Court for Frederick
County and to a trial by jury; provided said appeal be taken within thirty
days after the determination of said Commissioner or Commissioners in
such case; and an appeal may be taken to the Court of Appeals by either
party, provided said appeal be entered within thirty days after the ren-
dition of said judgment by the Circuit Court for Frederick County and
the Burgess and Commissioners of Middletown may, if they see fit, pro-
vide by a general ordinance for the grading, paving, curbing and sewering
or for the grading, or paving, or curbing, or sewering, or for the regrading,
repaving, recurbing and resewering, or repaving, or recurbing, or resewer-
ing or repairing of any street or streets, lane or lanes, alley or alleys, or
any portion thereof, in the town of Middletown, without the passage of a
special ordinance in the particular ca.se, subject to the provisions and
requirements of this section, except as otherwise provided herein, when-
ever the owner of a majority of the front feet of property binding on such
street or streets, lane or lanes, alley or alleys, or part thereof, shall apply
for the same upon terms and conditions to be prescribed in said general
ordinance, and for the assessment in any such case of the cost of such
work, in whole or in part, pro-rata, upon all the property binding upon
such street or streets, lane or lanes, alley or alleys, or any part thereof,
and for the collection of such assessment or other taxes are collected. No
notice need be given before the passage of such general ordinance, and
said ordinance shall provide for the appointment of a Commissioner or
Commissioners to determine the amount of the assessment to be made
pon any such property, as provided by said ordinance, and said Com-
missioner or Commissioners shall give notice to all persons interested, as
hereinbefore required, before the amounts assessed against them are
finally determined upon, and either party feeling aggrieved at the action
of said Commissioner or Commissioners shall have the right to appeal as
hereinbefore provided.