2440 ARTICLE 11.
P. L. L, 1888, Art. 11, sec. 85. 1918 Code, sec. 123.
102. Whenever three-fifths of the capital stock of any turnpike com-
pany in Frederick County, chartered and organized between the first day
of January, 1868, and the fourth day of April, 1888, or to be hereafter
organized, shall have been subscribed for and taken by responsible bona
fide stockholders, the County Commissioners of said county are authorized
and empowered to subscribe for such portion of the remaining two-fifths
of said capital stock as they, in their discretion, may deem proper, in the
name and for the benefit of said county, and shall be entitled to be repre-
sented at all meetings of the stockholders of said company by the County
Commissioners for the time being, or by such person as may be duly au-
thorized by them; provided, said road or roads so subscribed to shall be
graded for a width of twenty feet, fourteen of which shall be covered with
stone, of an average depth of nine indies.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 86. 1918 Code, sec. 124.
103. They are authorized to issue the bonds of the county to the
amount of the stock so subscribed, and to negotiate said bonds upon the
most favorable terms; provided, they shall not be sold for less than par;
and they are authorized to levy upon the assessable property of the county
an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest upon said bonds, and the
principal at maturity.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 87. 1918 Code, sec. 125.
104. They shall not be authorized to issue any bonds or credit of the
county, or subscribe to any turnpike company, as authorized by the pre-
ceding section, until the board of stockholders of said company shall first
have filed a statement under oath, in the office of said Commissioners,
that the total amount of three-fifths, subscribed for by private stockhold-
ers, as provided by said section, has been fully and entirely paid up.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 88. 1918 Code, sec. 126.
105. They are authorized and empowered, in their discretion, to sub-
scribe for stock in the Liberty and Frederick Turnpike Road Company,
for such sums of money as shall not exceed two-fifths of said capital
stock; provided, that the president of said company shall file, under oath,
a statement with the County Comnissioners that three-fifths of said cap-
ital stock has been subscribed and fully paid up.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 11, sec. 80. 1918 Code, sec. 127.
106. They are authorized to issue the bonds of the county, to the
amount of stock so subscribed, and to negotiate the same; provided, they
shall not be sold at less than par; and they are authorized to levy upon
the assessable property an amount sufficient to pay the annual interest
and principal of said bonds at maturity.
*Most of this subtitle is probably obsolete.