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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2425   View pdf image (33K)
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or unimproved, right of way, easement, water right or water course, which
they may deem expedient or necessary to purchase and hold for the pur-
pose of building sewers and drains, or for the purpose of constructing and
operating a general sewerage and drainage system of said town, or for
the purpose of carrying out or exercising any of the privileges and powers
granted said Mayor and Council by law, and if the said Mayor and Council
cannot agree with the owner or owners, or if any of them be absent from
the State or unknown, or without legal capacity to contract, by reason of
infancy, coverture, insanity or otherwise, it shall be lawful for said Mayor
and Council to acquire by condemnation any such real or leasehold estate,
improved or unimproved, right of way, easement, water right or water
course, in the same manner and by the same proceedings as are now pro-
vided in condemnation by corporations under Chapter 117 of the Acts,
of General Assembly of 1912.


1916, ch. 456, sec. 18. 1918, ch. 110, sec. 18. 1918 Code, sec. 67.

49. The Mayor and Council of Brunswick shall have the right to en-
large, reconstruct, alter and improve the water works system of the town
of Brunswick, with the power from time to time to contract for, purchase,
lease or hold, in fee simple, or for a term of years, any real estate, right
of way, easement, water right, spring, brook, water and watercourse, sit-
uated, being in or flowing through the State of Maryland or any other
state of the United States, which they may deem expendient or necessary
for the purpose of conveying water into said town for the use of said
town, and for the health and convenience of the inhabitants thereof, and
also the right to enter, pass through, from time to time, as occasion may
require, and to use and occupy the said lands through which they may
deem it necessary to convey said water, if said lands shall be in the State
of Maryland; or to subscribe for and take stock in any water company
formed under the laws of this State or of any other state of the United
States which shall have for its object the furnishing and supplying of
water to the town of Brunswick, in accordance with such plan as may
be adopted by the Mayor and Council of Brunswick, and which shall have
been voted for by the majority of the votes cast at any general or special
election which said Mayor and Council are authorized to call for any or
all of the purposes aforesaid; and they are hereby invested with all the
rights and powers necessary for the introduction of said water into said

1916, ch. 456, sec. 19. 1918, ch. 110, sec. 19. 1918 Code, sec. 68.

50. The said Mayor and Council of Brunswick are hereby authorized
to agree for the purchase, lease and rental with the owners of any real
estate, right of way, easement, water right, spring, brook, water or water-
course as aforesaid, earth, timber, stone or other material which they may
deem expedient or necessary to purchase or hold, for the purpose of in-
troducing an additional supply of water into or improving the present


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2425   View pdf image (33K)
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