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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2426   View pdf image (33K)
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2426 ARTICLE 11.

supply of water in the town of Brunswick, whether such real estate, right
of way, easement, water right, spring, brook, water or watercourse, earth,
timber, stone, or other material be within or without the State of Mary-

If the said Mayor and Council cannot agree with any owner or owners
of any such real estate, right of way, easement, spring, brook, water or
watercourse, earth, timber, stone or other material, if the same be within
the State of Maryland, or if there be any incapacity or disability to con-
tract on the part of such owner or owners, or if such owner or owners
be absent, out of the State of Maryland or unknown, it shall be lawful
for said Mayor and Council to acquire by condemnation any such real
estate, right of way, easement, water right, spring, brook, water or water-
course, earth, timber, stone or other materials which they may deem
necessary, in the same manner and by the same proceedings as now pro-
vided in condemnation by corporations, under Chapter 117 of the Acts of
the General Assembly of 1912.

And the said Mayor and Council shall have and are hereby invested
with full power and authority to enact and pass all ordinances, which
from time to time they may deem necessary and proper to effect the ob-
jects herein specified, and to regulate the introduction and use of said
water and improvements, and for the protection and preservation of its
works, machinery and property connected therewith.

1918, ch. 109, sec. 3. 1918 Code, sec. 69.

51. In case of the purchase of any stock in any water company formed
under the laws of this State or of any other state in the United States
which shall have for its object the furnishing and supplying of water to
the town of Brunswick, as herein provided, the Mayor and Council of
Brunswick shall take all of the stock in such water company except such
shares as may be necessary to allot to citizens of the United States to
qualify them as directors to act as such in any such company.

The provisions of this Act shall not limit the power of the Mayor and
Council of Brunswick to incur any indebtedness for the improvement,
repair and extension of its water system, or building of reservoirs and
acquiring title to land and rights of way, within or without the State of
Maryland, which they now possess under the provisions of law.


1916, ch. 456, sec. 20. 1918 Code, sec. 70.

52. The Mayor and Council of Brunswick are hereby authorized and
empowered whenever, in their judgment, the public interests or con-
veniences require it, to provide by ordinance for the grading, paving, curb-
ing and sewering, or for the grading or paving, or curbing, or sewering, and
for the regrading, repaving, recurbing and resewering, or for the regrad-
ing, or repaving, or recurbing. or resewering in such manner, at such
time and with such material as they shall see fit, of any street or streets,


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2426   View pdf image (33K)
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