of the said land of the said Homer H. Murphy and John O. Murphy, and
when completed to be in a position that it would be included within the
lines of the said land of the said Homer H. Murphy and John O. Murphy
if the lines of said land should be extended out into the waters of the said
Tedious Creek for a distance the length of said hereby authorized wharf
or road; provided, such wharf or road be constructed and established on
or before the first day of January, A. D. 1920.
1914, ch. 621.
573. Rufus A. White and Oscar W. Nelson of Hooper's Island Dis-
trict in Dorchester County, are hereby authorized and empowered to
construct and erect a wharf or shell walk at and adjoining the land
belonging to the said Rufus A. White and Oscar W. Nelson, on Hoop-
er's Island, in Dorchester County, said wharf or shell walk to extend
into the Honga River for a distance not exceeding one hundred and sev-
enty-five (175) yards, to be of a width at the outer end thereof not exceed-
ing ninety (90) feet; provided said wharf is completed by the 1st day of
May, 1915.
The said wharf or shell walk, when so constructed and erected, shall be
the property of the said Rufus A. White and Oscar W. Nelson, their heirs
and assigns forever.
1914, ch. 283.
574. R. Ward Mills, of Streights Election District of Dorchester
County, is hereby authorized and , empowered to construct and erect a
wharf, at and adjoining the lands of the said R. Ward Mills on the
west side of his property situated, lying and being in Streights Elec-
tion District of Dorchester County, said wharf to extend into Tedious
Creek for a distance not exceeding two hundred yards to be of a width not
greater than fifty feet, provided that such wharf shall be constructed and
erected on or before the first day of January, A. D. 1916.
Said wharf when so constructed and erected shall be the property of the
said R. Ward Mills, his heirs and assigns forever.
1902. ch. 536.
575. William H. Robbins, of the town of Cambridge, in Dorchester
County, is hereby authorized and empowered to construct and erect a
wharf, or shell walk at and adjoining the land of the said William H.
Robbins, at the foot of Willis Street, in the said town of Cambridge, said
wharf or shell walk to extend into the Great Choptank River for a dis-
tance not exceeding three hundred yards, to be of a width not greater
than the width of the said land of William H. Robbins, to be immediately
in front thereof, and to run and extend with the extended lines of said
land out into said river; provided, that such wharf or shell walk shall be
constructed or established on or before the first day of January, 1907.
Said wharf or shell walk when so constructed and erected shall be the
property of the said William H. Robbins, his heirs and assigns forever.