2378 ARTICLE 10.
end of the county road on land belonging to said William T. Johnson and:
Mrs. Mary O. Robinson, said wharf to extend into Goose Creek for a
distance not to exceed 150 yards, the outer end of said wharf not to
exceed 90 feet in width.
1914, ch. 683.
569. The Honga Lumber Company, of Dorchester County, Mary-
land, a body corporate under the laws of the State of Maryland, is.
hereby authorized and empowered to construct and use a wharf or road
in front of the lands leased by it from William F. Applegarth and Robert
L. Simmons on the Kirwan Neck Road, in Lakes Election District of
Dorchester County, Maryland, into the waters of Honga River, a tribu-
tary of the Chesapeake Bay, said wharf or road to extend from said lands
into said river a distance not exceeding three hundred yards (300), and
to be of a width not exceeding fifty feet, (50) and to be immediately in
front of the said lands, provided such wharf or road be constructed and
used on or before the 1st day of January, 1915.
1929, ch. 384.
570. William A. Starrett of Dorchester County is hereby authorized
and empowered to construct, maintain and operate at his own expense a
twelve-foot bridge, eight hundred feet in length, connecting Ragged Point
in the mouth of the Little Choptank River with the mainland, the entire
bridge to be within Dorchester County; the plans and specifications and
erection thereof to be approved by the County Commissioners of Dor-
chester County and by the Secretary of War of the United States of
1916, ch. 448.
571. William Preston Creighton of Dorchester County, is hereby au-
thorized and empowered to construct and erect a wharf on the south side
of Back Creek in Hooper's Island or No. 6 Election District in Dorchester
County, in front of and contiguous to the lands of said William Preston
Creighton, said wharf to extend into Honga River a distance not exceed-
ing four hundred feet, and of a width not exceeding one hundred feet,
provided that said wharf shall be constructed and erected on or before the
first day of January, A. D. 1917.
1916, ch. 449.
572. Homer H. Murphy and John O. Murphy, of Bishop's Head in
Dorchester County, State of Maryland, are hereby authorized and em-
powered to construct a wharf or road at and adjoining the lands of the
said Homer H. Murphy and John O. Murphy, bordering on Tedious
Creek, an arm of Fishing Bay, in Straits Election District in Dorchester
County, Maryland, said wharf or road to extend from the said land of the
said Homer H. Murphy and John O. Murphy out into the waters of the
said Tedious Creek for a distance not exceeding two hundred yards, to be
of a width not exceeding one hundred feet and to be immediately in front