2380 ARTICLE! 10.
1904, ch. 553.
576. J. H. Wingate and Henry Jones, of Dorchester County, are here-
by authorized and empowered to construct a wharf at Long Point, Dor-
chester County, said wharf to extend out into the water of Fox Creek a:
distance of not more than four hundred yards and that said wharf, when
so constructed and erected, shall be the property of the said J. H. Win-
gate and Henry Jones, their heirs and assigns or tenants in common.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 321. 1S92, ch. 104. 1894, ch. 11.
577. Each witness in regular attendance, at the Circuit Court of Dor-
chester County, shall be entitled to receive until discharged therefrom, for
each day he shall be in attendance, a per diem of seventy-five cents, and
one day's mileage, in going only, at five cents per mile, for the full distance-
f rom his place of residence, in Dorchester County, to the place of holding
the said court, and for no more than the actual miles necessary for the
witness to travel.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 322.
578. The sheriff of Dorchester county shall return to the clerk of the-
circuit court, or county commissioners, or register of wills, as the case may
be, the distance each witness summoned by him resides from the place
of holding said court, and the clerk or register shall return a list of said
witnesses, with the distance of their respective residences, to the county
commissioners of Dorchester county.
P. L. L. 1888, Art. 10, sec. 323. 1886, ch. 509.
579. The county commissioners of each of the following counties, to>
wit: Dorchester, Wicomico, Talbot and Caroline are authorized and em-
powered, in their discretion, to endorse the bonds of the Baltimore and
Eastern Shore Railroad Company to an amount not exceeding fifty thou-
sand dollars each; provided, that no such endorsement shall be made until
the question of such endorsement shall have been submitted to the quali-
fied voters of their respective counties by the commissioners thereof, and
a majority of such qualified voters shall have determined in favor of such
endorsement; and provided also, that the bonds so endorsed shall be se-
cured by a mortgage on the property and franchises of said Baltimore
and Eastern Shore Railroad, which said mortgage shall be second to a
mortgage of five hundred thousand dollars to the city of Baltimore, but
to no other.*
See secs. 436-448.
* Adopted by the people of Dorchester, Wicomico and Talbot counties; rejected,
by the people of Caroline county.