2360 ARTICLE 10.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 11.
529. The Commissioners and all other officers of the Corporation, in-
cluding the judges of election, shall, before entering upon the duties of
their respective offices, take and subscribe an oath before some justice of
the peace, or notary public, of Dorchester County, that they will dili-
gently and faithfully to the best of their abilities, skill and judgment and
without favor or affection, partiality or prejudice, perform the duties of
their office, and shall file a certificate from the justice of the peace or
notary public of the taking of such oaths among the records of the cor-
poration, and the said oath and certificate shall be recorded among the
minutes of the proceedings of the Commissioners.
1914, ch. 565, sec. 12.
530. The said Commissioners shall determine all questions arising
from or under any election held under this Act, but any person feeling
aggrieved by their decision may appeal therefrom to the Circuit Court
of Dorchester County at any time within ten days from such decision,
which court shall hear and determine such appeal and who shall pay the
cost thereof.
1914. ch. 563, sec. 13.
531. The Commissioners may pass any and all ordinances not incon-
sistent with the laws of Maryland, they may deem beneficial to the town;
and the good government thereof; to prevent, remove or abate all nui-
sance; to suppress all disorderly meetings; to prohibit the use of profane
language, and indecent and disorderly conduct in said town; to prevent
obstructing the sidewalks or streets; to regulate or prevent the firing of
guns, pistols, quibs or any kind of firearms in said town; the running at
large in said town of all animals; immoderate riding or driving through
the streets of said town; indecent exhibitions of every kind; to preserve
order and secure persons and property from violence, danger or destruc-
tion; to prevent obstructing the streets or sidewalks by unnecessary assem-
blies of persons; to regulate or prevent the use of firecrackers and other
explosives on the streets and alleys of said town; to regulate the erection
and location of buildings, fences and enclosures in said town and to grant
permits therefor; to protect public property, sidewalks, shade and orna-
mental trees, from injury and destruction; to provide for the paving of
the sidewalks and assessing and taxing the expenses thereof, in whole or
in part upon the respective owners of the property fronting thereon; to
impose a license or tax on street venders, of so-called patent medicines and
nostrums, public exhibitions or amusements of all kinds which charge
admission fees, except those for charitable and benevolent purposes; to
impose a tax on the owners or reputed owners of all dogs and bitches kept
by them in the said town; to promote the morality, health, convenience
and safety of the inhabitants of said town; to enforce sanitary observ-
ances and the removal of filth, and to pass all such other ordinances as
they may deem necessary for the preservation of the health of the town
and the removal of nuisances from said town; to prohibit all business