within the said town as shall, in their opinion, injuriously affect the sani-
tary conditions thereof or depreciate the value of adjoining property; and
for the drainage of the town; to cause the drains and water courses of
said town to be kept open and in repair.
1914. ch. 563, sec. 14.
532. If any person or persons shall wilfully violate any ordinance
passed by said Commissioners, it is hereby made the duty of the bailiff
to obtain from some justice of the peace of Dorchester County a writ for
the arrest of the person or persons so offending; and he shall arrest the
offender or offenders and take him or them before the said justice of the
peace, who, if he shall find said offender or offenders guilty, shall fine
them not less than one dollar nor more than ten dollars and costs, in his
discretion, and the said person or persons' so found guilty shall be sen-
tenced to be committed to the county jail until the fine and costs are paid,
and the fines when paid shall be paid over by the said justice of the peace
to the Commissioners of the said town for the use of the corporation.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 15.
533. The said Commissioners shall also have power to impose license
fees on any business, occupation or employment conducted in said town
whether temporary or permanent; to provide for fire protection, police-
protection, for lights upon the highways of the town; to arrange for a
supply of water for fire protection and for the use of its citizens; and to
borrow money on their notes to an amount not to exceed three hundred
1914, ch. 563, sec. 16.
534. Three members of the Board of Commissioners shall constitute a
quorum for the transaction of business, and that in the absence of their
president the Commissioners in attendance may appoint one of their
number president pro tempore, and their proceedings at such meetings
shall be valid.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 17.
535. All meetings of the said board shall be presided over by the
president of said board, or the president pro tempore, in the absence of the
president, and that in all cases of a tie vote in the board the presiding
officer shall give the casting vote.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 18.
536. Said Commissioners may adopt such by-laws for their government
and such rules and regulations as from time to time they shall find neces-
sary for properly and expeditiously conducting the business of the corpo-
1914, ch. 563, sec. 19.
537. No ordinance passed by the said board shall go into effect before
a copy thereof shall have been posted at one or more public places in the