six conspicuous places in said town of Vienna. The said judges of elec-
tion shall, at least three days prior to the holding of any town election,
post, at not less than six conspicuous places in said town of Vienna, sam-
ple ballots, printed in accordance with the provisions herein relating to
official ballots, containing the names of all candidates as well as all ques-
tions to be submitted to the voters at said election. At the closing of the
polls on election day, the said judges of election shall forthwith carefully
count all ballots cast and shall, at the close of such count, certify over their
proper hands and seals to the Commissioners of Vienna then holding office-
the result of said election, and the five eligible persons receiving the great-
est number of votes shall be declared elected, and the said Commissioners,
shall cause a record of the vote to be entered on their record of proceed-
1914, ch. 563, sec. 8 1920. ch. 293, sec. 8.
526. The Commissioners of Vienna shall annually appoint a clerk, who
shall also be Treasurer and collect the town taxes of Vienna, who shall
keep the minutes of the proceedings of said Commissioners in a well-
bound book, which book shall be open to the inspection of any one inter-
ested. The said clerk shall give bond as such treasurer in such sum as the
Commissioners shall deem proper, and shall pay out the money that shall
come into his or her hands as such treasurer in such sum as the Commis-
sioners shall deem proper, and shall pay out the money that shall come
into his or her hands as such treasurer only on the order of the said Com-
missioners, which order shall be recorded among their minutes of pro-
1914, ch. 563, sec. 9. 1929, ch. 293, sec. 9.
527. The said Commissioners shall annually appoint a bailiff, and may-
also appoint under bailiffs as from time to time may be necessary to
preserve the good order of the town. The said bailiff shall attend the
meetings of the Board of Commissioners and shall execute all orders of
the said Commissioners and shall perform such other duties as the Com-
missioners may assign him; before proceeding to act as bailiff he shall
give bond in such sum as the Commissioners shall deem proper, and at
each regular meeting of said Commissioners he shall account for and
pay over to the treasurer all monies collected or received by him, if any
there be, as such bailiff; he shall preserve the peace and good order of the
town, may make arrests and serve warrants and other legal processes with-
in and one mile beyond the corporate limits of the town, except the line in
the river, and for these purposes he is hereby invested with the same
power and authority as any Constable has under the laws of this State,
and he shall be allowed the same fees as are allowed constables for similar
services and said fees shall be taxed as part of the costs.
1914, ch. 563, sec. 10.
528. The said Commissioners may allow their clerk and their bailiff"
such compensation as to them may seem proper.