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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2357   View pdf image (33K)
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shall serve without pay. Any person possessing the within stated quali-
rications and desiring to become a candidate for election as such Com-
missioners, may do so by filing with the Clerk to the Commissioners of
Vienna, in writing, notice of his candidacy for election as such Commis-
sioner, and such written notice of candidacy shall be so filed at least ten
days prior to the date for such election. Any person desiring to with-
draw from candidacy for election as such Commissioner, after filing writ-
ten notice as aforesaid, may do so at any time prior to five days before
the date for such election, after which time no further withdrawals shall
be permitted. In filing written notice of candidacy as above required, it
shall be sufficient to set out the name of the candidate filing, together
with the period of residence and fact of owning real estate in the town
of Vienna of such candidate, as well as the office to which said candi-
date desires to be elected. The Clerk to the Commissioners of Vienna
shall from the certificates of candidacy filed and not withdrawn prior
to five days before the date of such election, have ballots printed for
use in such election and these shall be the official ballots and the only
ballots recognized at such election. The form and arrangement of said
ballots shall contain the name of every candidate who shall have filed
written notice of his or her candidacy as herein provided; no ballot
shall contain the name of any political party, organization or association,
the names of all candidates shall be arranged alphabetically according
to their surname; above the group of names of candidates shall be a line
designating the office to be filled, and between such line designating the
office to be filled and the group of names of candidates shall be printed in
bold, plain, roman capitals, twelve point (pica) type, appropriate instruc-
tions to the voter informing him or her of the number of persons for
whom the voter may lawfully vote at such election, thus "Vote for One"
or "Vote for Five." To the right of the name of each candidate upon,
the official ballot, opposite the name and in line therewith, shall be a
square so printed as to give each voter a clear opportunity to designate
by a cross (X) his or her choice of candidate. If at any election there
be any question to be submitted to the popular vote, the said question shall
be briefly explained upon said ballot and the words "For Proposition"
and "Against Proposition" shall be placed thereunder so that the voter-
may clearly indicate in the manner hereinbefore pointed out, whether the
voter may wish his or her ballot cast for or against the propositions sub-
mitted. All ballots used in all town elections of Vienna shall be printed in
the same uniform type upon plain white printing paper of ordinary book
weight in black ink, and the name of all candidates shall be printed upon
all such ballots in clear, plain, bold and legible roman capitals twelve point
(pica) type, and the printing of said names of said candidates shall also be
uniform in style and appearance throughout the ballot. On the back and
outside of all ballots shall be printed the words "Official Ballot For Com-
missioners of Vienna," the date of the election and a facsimile of the signa-
ture of the Clerk to the Commissioners of Vienna by whom the ballots,
have been prepared.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2357   View pdf image (33K)
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