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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2354   View pdf image (33K)
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2354 ARTICLE 10.

sents the value of the property comprising and constituting such power
stations or manufactories not directly assessable for State, county and
municipal taxation, may be exempted from taxation by said county or
by said municipal corporations in which such power stations or manu-
factories may be situated, for all county and municipal purposes for the
period of fifteen years from the dates on which actual construction of such
power stations or manufactories shall respectively begin, provided the
County Commissioners of said Dorchester County shall by resolution de-
termine by the majority vote of its members whether such exemption from
taxation by said county, herein authorized as aforesaid, shall be made,
or the governing body of any such municipal corporation in said county
shall by resolution determine by the majority vote of its members whether
such exemption from taxation by such municipal corporation, herein au-
thorized as aforesaid, shall be made; and provided further that nothing
in this section shall in any manner be construed to exempt from taxation
either directly or indirectly (1) any lines, poles or wires for the trans-
mission or distribution of electricity, (2) any property of any such per-
son, firm or corporation situate beyond or outside of the premises or close
on a part of which any such power stations or manufactories shall be
located, (3) any other property owned by any such person, firm or cor-
poration and not actually used in or about the generation of electricity
at such power stations or manufactories, and (4) any residences or busi-
ness properties, wheresoever situate, owned by any such person, firm or
corporation, but not directly or actually used in or about the generation
of electricity, whether the same be used or occupied by said person, firm
or corporation, or his, her their or its employees, or by any person what-
soever; and provided further that the benefit of the power and authority
conferred upon the County Commissioners of Dorchester County and the
municipal corporations therein, to grant the exemptions authorized by
this section, shall inure to any persons, firms or corporations who shall
begin actual construction of any such power stations or manufactories
at any time after the date of the passage of this Act and before the date
on which the same shall become effective and to the stock of any such
corporation, from the time such power and authority shall be exercised
by said County Commissioners or by the governing bodies of such mu-
nicipal corporations, and such construction of said power stations or man-
ufactories, within such period, shall be presumed to have been induced
by the terms of this Act.


(All local laws relating to terrapins were repealed by ch. 266, 1929. See 1929 Sup-
plement to Annotated Code, Art. 39.)


P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec, 297. 1874. ch. 267.

515. Every person who shall, within the limits of Dorchester County,
enter upon the lands of another with gun or dog, and shoot or kill any


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2354   View pdf image (33K)
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