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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2353   View pdf image (33K)
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P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 286. 1870, ch. 395. 1902, ch. 172, sec. 286.
1912, ch. 513, sec. 2SG.

511. In all criminal cases in the Circuit Court for Dorchester County
and in all criminal cases tried by any justice of the peace of Dorchester
County, in which the State's Attorney shall appear for the State of Mary-
land, an appearance fee for said State's Attorney, as now allowed under
the existing laws of this State, shall be taxed as part of the cost by the
court or justice of the peace trying said cases, and when collected from
the party shall be paid over by the clerk of the said court or by the jus-
tice of the peace to the County Commissioners of Dorchester County, to
be applied by them to the payment of the salary of the State's Attorney
as hereinafter provided for.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 287. 1870, ch. 395. 1894, ch. 213. 1902, ch. 172, sec. 287.
1912, ch. 513, sec. 287. 1929, ch. 100, sec. 287.

512. The said State's Attorney of said Dorchester County in lieu of
the fees heretofore received by him as provided in Section 22 of Article
10 of the Code of Public General Laws, or as provided for in any local
law for Dorchester County, shall receive a salary of twenty-two hundred
dollars per annum as full compensation for the entire services as required
by him by any law of this State, to be paid to him by the said County
Commissioners of Dorchester County.

Goldsborough v. Lloyd. 80 Md. 374.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 10, sec. 288. 1870. ch. 395. 1892, ch. 259. 1902, ch. 172, sec. 288.
1912, ch. 513, sec. 288. 1929, ch. 100, sec. 288.

513. The said salary of twenty-two hundred dollars per annum shall be
paid to the State's Attorney by the said County Commissioners in equal
monthly installments the first day of each and every month in each and
every year, and the said County Commissioners shall levy annually the
said sum of twenty-two hundred dollars or so much thereof as may be
necessary, for the purpose of paying the said salary to the said State's


1927, ch. 116.

514. The real estate, not exceeding eleven (11) acres, buildings, equip-
ment and other miscellaneous property owned by every person, firm or
corporation and comprising or constituting power stations or manufac-
tories, or parts of power stations or manufactories, or used in or about
nower stations or manufactories, situate in said Dorchester County, or
in any municipal corporation therein, for the generation of electricity for
ultimate general public and private use and consumption, and the capi-
tal stock of any such corporation in so far as such capital stock repre-

*Sec. 2, ch. 100. 1929. repealed all laws inconsistent therewith.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 2353   View pdf image (33K)
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