2352 ARTICLE 10.
and colt, and whenever execution is issued, the officer to whom such exe-
cution is directed, shall be authorized and required to seize and sell said
mare and colt for the satisfaction of the judgment, debt and costs, full
and clear of all right to have the same exempted; provided, however, that
the said lien shall not operate to the prejudice of any other lieu, so far
as the mare is concerned.
1890. ch. 515.
508. If, before the suit for the recovery of said fees, the said mare or
colt has been sold, or has passed into the possession of a third person,
notice shall be served on such third person as to said suit, and of the
claims for the allowance of said lien, if said third person be a resident
of Dorchester County; the subsequent owner may require the officer hold-
ing an execution as aforesaid, to levy upon and sell any other personal
property that may be held by the original owner of such mare or colt,
before he sells such mare or colt, and if said officer refuses or fails to
do so after demand, and said subsequent owner is willing to indemnify
said officer for complying with his request, said officer's bond shall be liable
for said refusal or failure.
1890, ch. 515.
509. If the owner of any mare or colt, upon which a lien for stallion's
service fees bears, shall sell the same without giving notice of said lien
to the purchaser thereof, he shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor if
he fails or refuses to satisfy said lien and costs upon the purchaser's de-
mand, or before the sale of said mare or colt under execution, and upon
conviction he shall be fined a sum equal to double the amount of the lien,
claim and the costs, and shall stand committed till fine and costs are paid,
and said purchaser shall be entitled to such part of said fine as will indem-
nify him for said lien and costs.
1910, ch. 660 (p. 91).
510. Any person in Dorchester County entitled to a lien under this
subtitle shall file a claim or statement of the same in the office of the
clerk of the circuit court for said county; provided, that the statement
of such lien shall be filed within eighteen months from the date of the
service of the stallion or jackass for which the lieu is claimed, and that
the lien shall terminate at the end of six months from the date of filing
the same, and for the proper recording of said lien the clerk of said court
shall keep a docket, to be called "The Stallion or Jackass Lien Docket,"
in which shall be recorded all liens filed in said county. And it shall not
be necessary for the lienor to go personally before the clerk of the court
to make the affidavit as to such service, but he may make said affidavit
before a justice of the peace and forward it to said clerk, with the record
fees, which shall have as full effect as if sworn to before said clerk.*
*Ch. 680, 1910. amended sec. 180, Art. 27, of Annotated Code in so far as it ap-
plied to Dorchester County.